She is Worth it. That'll never Change. Ever.

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No One's POV

Little did the two girls know that, once again, Thomas was listening in on their conversation. He was leaning against the wall that Julie's room door was on. Being as quiet as a church mouse. Finally he walked in the room. He couldn't take it anymore. Knowing that his girl felt the way she did. It broke his heart. He needed to stand up for her. For them.

Thomas POV

T- Hermana por favor danos un momento?

She did what I asked and left the room. Once she had left, there was a moment of silence between Julie and I.

J- what did you just say to her?

T- I asked to give us a moment. We need to talk Jules.

As if not knowing what I was talking about Julie replied with, "What do we need to talk about?"

T- Jules please don't try to be funny right now. I overheard the conversation. 

Moment of silence

T- Now I'm not gonna pressure you to tell me what happened. When you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen. But we need to talk about how you no longer think you're good enough for me. That's crazy.

J- Its not crazy Thomas! Your instincts told you that I should not to trust Brian. But I didn't listen to you. You told me to cancel my plans with him, but I didn't. Worst of all, I lost the promise ring you gave me.

T- Julie White if you think I'm gonna love you any less just because you've misplaced the ring I gave you, then you don't know me as well as you thought.

J- But Thomas you gave me that ring.

T- Yes I gave you that ring. But Julie when I didn't know where you were, I thought the worse. I thought he had done something to you.

J- Thomas, he did do something to me. He broke me. Now I fear that he's gonna come back and finish the job.

T- I'm not gonna let that happen. I won't let that happen. He'll have to face me before going anywhere near you ever again.

That brought a small smile to her face.

J- What about the ring?

T- Let me worry about the ring. Let me worry about Brian.

J- If you're doing all that, what am I supposed to worry about?

T- You are to only focus on getting better. I'll handle everything else.

J- Okay. I'm so lucky to have you.

T- Right back at ya beautiful. I've gotta go, I'll be back soon. You get some rest.

I kissed her forehead. And left the room.

What Julie needs right now is reassurance.. So I'm gonna go out and find her the ring.

In the alley where Thomas and the team found Julie (still in Thomas's POV)

Before I go searching for that no good son of bitch Brian. I need to see if the ring possibly just slipped off her finger.

So I'm in the alley that we found her at. I looked everywhere. Under the dumpsters. Under the trash cans. Near the walls of the stores/restaurants. Nothing. 

I need to find this ring. Julie's confidence is probably at an all time low. And that's not what she needs right now. Sure the ring is just some small piece of jewelry. But to her its more than that. It reminds her that there is someone who won't leave her. Reminds her that I won't leave her. That there is someone who - besides her family - will love her unconditionally. That I will love her unconditionally. 

Julie means everything to me. She doesn't expect me to change who I am. She doesn't jump to conclusion about me or my family.

I keep looking for the ring. The sun is setting. Just as I'm about to give up for the day, I see something. Something shimmering. At first I didn't think it was the ring. But then I bend down to get a closer. Sure enough, its the ring that will - hopefully - make Julie smile once again.


Authors Note to readers 

Hi everyone, first of I can not thank you all enough for your patience! I very much appreciate it. This past year I was finishing up my college degree. But in order to receive by the time that I wanted to, I had to take a full 12+ hours worth of classes so that took up most of my time. I was also working part time.

I was also having major writers block for this story.

Now that I've gotten my degree I'll HOPEFULLY have more time to work on my stories.

If you have any suggestions or would like to see something happen in this story, please do not hesitate to write it down in the comments.

Peace Love McFarland


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