Broken & Bruised

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No Ones POV
Thomas & the boys were looking around the area Julie had told Thomas she'd be. She wasn't there but one of the workers saw her leaving with a guy that fit Brian's description.

They were looking everywhere. Going door to door. Finally Thomas thought of something, "he wouldn't take her to a place surrounded by people. It'd b too obvious."

That's when he & the team started looking in deserted place. Finally Victor found someone lying on the floor. Victor ran to it, sure enough it was Julie. Lying on her stomach.

V- Thomas! Over here! I found her!

Seconds later, Thomas and the rest of the team were in the alley by Victor. Thomas slowly kneeled down. Tears slowly falling down his face.

T- Ju....Jul.....Jules? Julie please baby say something. Anything.

At first there was nothing. But then.....

J- Thomas?

With a smile on his face, Thomas responded with

T- ya beautiful it's me. Well me and the team. Can you move beautiful?
J- no
T-where does it hurt angel?
J- everywhere.

This hurt Thomas. Knowing that the monster (aka Brian) hurt the most precious thing in his life. Still he had to be brave. For Julie.

T- okay don't move Jules. Victor is gonna go call for help.

Julie did her best to give him a smile, but even trying to smile brought her pain.


At the Hospital (Thomas POV)

It is taking every ounce of strength I have not to go out and find that monster. As much as I would LOVE to go beat him to a poll, I can't.

Julie is my number one priority right now. When we found her, I felt like a whole new weight had been placed on my shoulders. Because Julie is going to try and be brave for everyone else; she's gonna try to act like she's not in pain. Cause that's just who she is.

But I don't want her to put a brave face for me. If she wants to cry her heart out, I'm gonna be the shoulder she cries on. If she wants to get her anger out, I'm gonna let her. I'm not gonna force her to tell me what happened, when she's ready, I'll be ready.

One thing is for certain. . . .my feelings for Julie White haven't changed. & nothing she says or does will change that.

Julie's POV

Thomas and the team found me. I knew he would.

Now I'm in the hospital, with tubes attached to me. Bandages wrapped around me.

My family is talking to the doctor while Thomas and the team is in the waiting room. I know that its killing Thomas not being able to see me yet. He just found me, and now he has to wait a little longer before he can see me. All I want right now is Thomas. But at the same time, I don't want him to see me like this.

Brian hurt me. Because of him I've got bruises all around my body. Because of him, Thomas is going to blame himself for this even though NONE of it is his fault. Because of him, I don't feel worthy of Thomas. Because of him I don't feel like I even deserve Thomas's love. Because of Brian I am bruised and damaged.

Why would Thomas want a girl like me who is bruised and broken? God knows what else Brian did to me while I was unconscious.


Author's Note #1 - So incredibly sorry for the long wait. School has been keeping me busy.

Author's Note #2 - Please let me know what you thought about this chapter. 

Peace. Love. McFarland.


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