I can't be with him

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Thomas's POV

*In the waiting room - still at the Hospital*

Everyone has seen Julie. Her parents were first. Then her sister. Then she requested the team. Then my sister - who is in there with her now. I keep hoping that she is saving me last cause she wants to spend time with me uninterrupted. But something tells me that may not be the case.

I want to see her so bad. Its killing me.

Julie's POV

(TS - Thomas's Sister; J - Julie)

TS - I'm glad you're okay.

J- Me too.

TS - Do you know when you can get released from this place? I'm sure you miss your own bed.

J- *giving her a smile* I'm not 100% sure when I get to leave. The doctors want to run a few more tests to be sure. . . .to be sure. . . .to be sure I didn't get anything.

Thomas's sister didnt say anything, which was okay. I knew she understood what I meant.

TS - change of subject?

J - *giving her a smile* Yes please.

TS - Has Thomas come in to see you since he found you yet?

*Moment of silence*

J - N. . . n. . . no. No he has not.

TS - Why?

J - I don't want him to see me like this.

TS - Like what?

J - Broken.

TS - Julie you are not broken.

J - Yes I am. I put my trust in the wrong guy. Thomas told me that he didn't trust Brian. Like an idiot I defend Brian, rather than listening to the man I love more than anything. 

Tears starting falling down my face.

J - Look what happened. Brian hurt me. He broke me. I don't deserve to be with your brother. I even lost the most precious thing that anyone has ever given me.

TS - and whats that?

I looked down at my ring finger.

J - The promise ring Thomas gave me.

Thomas's sister looked down and saw that I was no longer wearing it.

TS - Do you think Brian took it?

J - I don't know. Maybe he did, maybe it fell over when the ambulance arrived. But that's beside the point. Thomas gave me that ring. Your abuela made it for me. And what do I do? I lose it.

I wipe the remaining tears from my face.

J - I love your brother. With everything I have, I love him. And I'd do anything for him. But how can I tell him that I lost the most precious and beautiful thing that I have ever seen? Right now I can't.


Authors Note #1 - Thank you all for your response and most importantly, your patience.

Authors Note #2 - Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Peace. Love. McFarland.


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