Whats gonna happen? (No ones pov)

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Next morning
Julie, Thomas, & his family were all eating breakfast. All u could hear was the sound of the silverware hitting the plates. No one was talking until......
(PV - Mr./papa Valles; SV - sister Valles; MV - Mrs./mama Valles)
PV: so Julie.....are u planning on going to college after high school?
J: yes sir.
PV: do uk what u want to major in?
J: yes sir.
PV: well......

She doesn't know what to do. She hasn't even told Thomas wht she hopes to major in. She looks towards Thomas, needing some kind of sign. When she looked at him, he had a smile and "go ahead"

J: I would like to major in Social Work with a double minor in anthropology & criminal justice.

Once again she looked to Thomas and all she could c was a bright happy smile on her face. Thomas took Julie's hand from under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. Let her know that she has nothing to b ashamed of.

PV: and what do u plan on doing with those major and minors?
J: go into child abuse prevention.
PV: what about Thomas?

Everyone froze.

J: I'm sorry.
PV: isn't Thomas included in ur colorful and expensive plan?
J: of course he is.
PV: even if he doesn't go to college Bc he doesn't have the grades to get into anywhere. So while ur out partying, getting ur degree, my son will b here STILL working in the fields. U'll forget all about him but he will b scared for life.
J: He is SMART and he could get into a college. XC could help that bc he could get scholarship for it! I will never forget ur son - even if we don't work out. Ur son has a name and its Thomas! Ur son will always b my first friend here when I thought I wouldn't make any. Ur son will always b the first boy that I ever truly loved with all my heart and soul. U doubt ur son.
PV: HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY???? Even after I allowed u to stay with us. U don't deserve my son!

& with that Julie got up from her chair and stormed out the front door.

A/N One: thank u for ur long patience with this story! ☺️ it's greatly appreciated!! 😊
A/N Two: idk what the REAL Julie White got her degree in. But what I wrote is what I'm hoping to get a degree in.
A/N Three: comment, favorite, follow

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