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Julie's POV
It was dark. I could barely see anything. The surface below me was cold. Practically ice. My whole body was in pain. It was almost like I had been sucked into a black hole. All I remember is:
•Hanging out w Brian
•Needing to go meet up w Thomas
•leaving the coffee shop.
•Brian following me out

Why did I listen to him? Why didn't I trust Thomas's instincts?

Two days ago (still in Julie's POV)
B- This was fun Jules.
J- ya it was but I need to leave. I have a date with Thomas. So I'll see you at school?
B- ya sure. Let me walk part way with you. If that's okay?
J- uh sure. Come on - but only part way.

We were walking. Bringing up old memories. But in the pit of my stomach, something didn't feel right.

I was walking on when Brian stopped in the middle of two buildings that created an alley.

B- Jules lets go this way.
J- why?
B- it's a short cut. I went this way the other day. Trust me.

I know I shouldn't have but I trusted him.

We walked about two miles before Brian crabbed me and pushed against a wall.

B (in an aggressive tone)- why r you w that no good runner? He will never b there for you like I would b!

At first I was scared. But than I realized he was putting down Thomas. & NO ONE does that around me!

J- you're wrong about that he has been there for me. In more than one way. I trust him. I believe in him. I love him. & there is nothing you can do to me that would in anyway change how I feel about him or how much I love him.

I could tell that he didn't like my answer.

B- well lets see how much your precious Thomas likes you and if he still wants a piece of broken trash!

And with that he started beating me. He banged my head against the wall. Punched me in the gut. Slapping me. Punching me in the eye. Stepping on my knees.

I gave out for as long as I could. But eventually I past out.

I guess once he was satisfied, he left me near a dumpster in the alley. And I guess unconscious for quite some time. Because I was cold and hungry. Not to mention in pain.

But regardless of how hungry or cold or in pain I was in, that's not what mattered to me. All that mattered was thinking of ways to contact Thomas and my family. God forbid they must be worried.

Thomas is probably blaming himself. Trying to find a way to fix this.

Wherever you are Thomas, this is not your fault and I will find a way to contact you.


Authors note #1
I'm back! Soooooo incredibly sorry for the long wait. I couldn't figure out how I wanted this new chapter to be like. So hopefully you guys liked it.

Authors note #2
Please note that this chapter was kind of hard for me to write. Bc I can't stand abuse - of any kind. That's why I didn't go into too much detail.

Authors note #3
Hope y'all are enjoying your summer!!

Again thank u for your patience. Feedback & suggestions is appreciated. If u have feedback or suggestions, leave them in the comments.

✌️. ❤️. McFarland.

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