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Thomas POV
"I don't trust him"

We were in her room. I needed to tell her what happened earlier w/ Brian. She was walking around the room, getting ready for something. For what? I don't know.

"Thomas now is NOT the time. I have plans." She said applying mascara to her already beautiful eyes.

"Plans? With who? Me? I didn't know we had plans. I'll run home and change. Give me 30 minutes max."

She giggled. Looking at me through the mirror. She then turned and face me.

"No not with u. But with Brian."

I was smiling. But as soon as she said that, my smile faded away.

"No. no I don't trust him! He's gonna do something to u."

She got up from her seat and sat by me on the bed.

"Jules. Baby I'm begging u, please cancel."

She placed her hand on my cheek.

"Thomas he's my friend. I haven't seen him since before I moved here."

"I...Jules everything in me says not to trust this guy....but clearly I won't b able to change ur mind....so I just ask one thing..."

"What's that?"

"Keep ur phone on. Reply to my texts, if u don't respond, I'll know something's wrong."

She smiled but simple said, "okay if it will bring a peace of mind. But only one text per hour. Do that and we can do whatever u want tonight."

I smiled, "Deal. My place 7?"

"It's a date"

With that she left.

Everything inside me told me not to trust Dylan. Julie is my world. I will die before I let someone hurt her.

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