Chapter 1

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"Lightning has struck." That's what they would say when I raced, more like cruised. I didn't even need to break 100 mph to beat my opponents.

They call me lightning or fulmine in the underworld. They also call me a raging bitch when they lose their money on bets, but I don't really care.

I want nothing to do with the underworld. Although me street racing in it says otherwise, I just love the thrill, the risk. The heart racing adrenaline, the smell of tires burning, the way the flag waves when I win.

I love it.

What I don't love are all the bastards who try to recruit me or kidnap me. No one has succeeded on either side, especially not this fucked up old man trying to shove me in his car.

He has a hand over my mouth and it smells like he's been digging in his ass and another keeping my hands together behind my back.

I bite his hand causing his grip to loosen. I bring my arms to his head and turn, bringing my knee to his nose. Becoming satisfied when I hear a strong crack.

He collapses on the ground crying. I grab my phone that I dropped while being pushed by that guy. I look up to two guys staring at me. One tall skinny black guy with his jaw on the floor and another tall guy but white and way more muscular.

He doesn't have his jaw on the floor though, he has a slight lift in his eyebrows with a subtle look of intrigue in his eye. I look at both of them back and forth, waiting for at least one to speak. Neither of them do, so I roll my eyes and walk past them.

I hear one say a faded whisper of something so low I nearly missed it but I heard.

"Boss would love her." I don't blink at how many times I've heard that and then they try to take me. I continue to walk making sure I don't hear anyone following me.

I soon meet my baby. My all black BMW M4. I get in and start the engine, listening to it as she roars to life. I pull out of the parking lot and drive around aimlessly.

I drive until the arrow on my car gets dangerously close to empty. I get gas then finally head to my apartment.

I walk in and see one of my two roommates. Jasper is sitting on the couch watching Shadow and Bone, he's been watching it nonstop since he found it.

Jasper is a slightly muscular Latino . He has dark tanned skin, brown curls, and dark eyes.

I met Jasper when my car broke down and he found me on the side of the road. At first I thought he was some gross, pedophile, murderer, but lucky me he was just trying to help and I'm glad because he's now one of my best friends.

He's also gay which is great because I don't have to worry about him catching feelings. Which sounds cruel but he's a really good friend and I wouldn't want anything to change that.

"Hey hermana, how did your race go?" He waves smiling at me. (Sis)

"It was good. I won, of course. I would join you but I'm crashing early." I say, giving him a hug.

"Aww ok, well good night. Te amo." He says with a slight pout on his lips. (Love you)

"Te amo más." I respond before slithering off to my room. (Love you more)

I kick off my shoes, sighing as I'm finally alone. I hop in the shower and wash myself quickly. I put on my black silk pajama set and slide into my sheets.

I cover my head completely with my cover and immediately fall into a peaceful sleep.

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