Chapter XI

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TRIGGER WARNING: Sensitive topics ahead, please proceed with caution. You'll know when they begin, because the tone will shift drastically.

3.0K reads?! Holy moly!!! That's amazing. Thank you guys so much. It means a lot that so many wish to read this story that just some months ago, was just an inkling of an idea. Also helps to think that perhaps I am getting the correct degree: Creative Writing!

To start off this chapter, I just want to give a couple of shout-outs. First, to SaminaMacdonald. You were my first commenter ever, and that just meant so much to me and kept me going. Secondly, to em_rose97. You comment every chapter, and I look forward to them SO much. They really mean a lot to me. So, thank you both.

To celebrate this, I would like to give you a little sneak peek into something I think happened during Violet's time at Hogwarts. Seamus Finnigan had a major crush on her. This just popped into my head one day and never left. It's fact now, because I say what's fact here LOL.


Violet was in the library the next day, reading books for pleasure once more. Thranduil still wasn't up to letting her train yet. After all, her bite wound hadn't healed, and she was all too eager to avoid him after his comments.

"So, I hear you're wearing wizarding clothing again," Legolas said as he poked the pointy fabric on Violet's shoulder. The tunic was a similar style as it was the day prior, but a different color. This one was a deep purple and longer, reaching almost her knees. Leggings and boots covered her legs with her hair loose around her shoulders, bouncing and shiny red due to Elven products.

Violet jumped, not having heard him come up behind her, and nodded. "I am. I love all the dresses you've given me, but I must admit, it feels wonderful to be back in my own clothes... minus the shoes of course."

"But that's not the only reason you're wearing your clothes again," he said, smirking, "Adar really angered you with that comment of his about humans, did he not? He has no clue, either."

"He should know better than to bad mouth humans in front of a human's presence," she said, rolling her eyes, "Especially a human that thought he trusts them."

"My father does not trust easily, but he does trust you, Violet. Quicker than I've ever seen him trust anybody before."

"Don't, Legolas," Violet said, "Look, I don't know why I'm upset with him either, but I am and I cannot seem to let it go. It's just... I don't know... it hurts? In a way, at least. I don't expect him to hold everyone in the highest of esteems, but to cast out the trust of humans as a whole? You don't see me casting out elves as a whole just for the actions of a few."

Legolas gestured to the chair beside her, as if asking permission, and she nodded. "Have you ever thought to ask him why he doesn't trust many people? He doesn't trust other elves and he doesn't trust dwarves. Humans are not excluded from this feeling."

A hot feeling came over her face, and she felt the need to duck to hide it. "I... I don't like to pry. And with my not understanding why I feel like this makes it more difficult."

"Violet, you don't trust other wizards because of your experiences with them. You trust elves implicitly because of your experiences with them. You do not trust... ah, what's the word... muggles! Ah, yes. Muggles. You do not trust them, either," Legolas said. Violet looked back at him, lip trembling at her friend's observations of her. "We spent a year together, a lot of it spent travelling. I have seen the way you look at everyone around you, tensed and on guard ready to defend yourself when needed.

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