||Chapter three||

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||SONG|| painkiller- three days grace


*Franks POV*

I walk outside to take a smoke break from prison and I hear footsteps behind me. I freak out throw the cigarette under my shoe and pop in a mint trying to act normal."Frank?" I hear the red head ask."Oh my gosh you scared me, hey, you feeling better?" I say lighting my cigarette then his."Yeah I just messed up my pills and crap, I'm fine. Hows hell going for you?" He asks me."like crap, hey I never caught your name," I say."Gerard Way," he says blushing a little I can see.

He's obviously gay, there is no doubt about that. I would be suprised if he wasn't. No judgement, I mean so am I, and must I say he is quite attractive."So where are you from?" He asks me."Nowhere interesting," Its true, I mean I'm just from a family of two and a cat who hates life as it is, but I'm not blaming her, we both have to deal with the hag I call my mom.

"I see, so I see you're into good music," he says smiling."Oh yeah my 'satan worshiping Devils music that will end eternity one day' music, yeah I like it" I say looking at him smiling.

We stared at each other. I don't know how long we were going to stay like this. As I began to think about everything, his hair, his eyes, him-


The school bell.

"Oh, um I should get going," I say scratching my head."Oh okay, um, if you don't have anything planned do you wanna hang out or something?" he asks me.

I have to go to church tonight or I get twice the beating I usually would.
You know what he's cute.



Wow I can't write

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