||Chapter Ten||

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||SONG||-It never ends- bring me the horizon
*Gerards POV*

It's been a day since I came home.
it's been a day since Frank drank.
It's been a day since Frank slit his wrists.
It's been a day since I gave him a promise ring.
it's been a day, therefore 24 hours.
It's been 24 hours of pure hell.

When I walked in on Frank and saw what he had done to himself, I just wanted to make it all better, take the cuts away from his pale skin and put them on myself so he wouldn't have to deal with questions and scars. I hated seeing him like this.

This morning it was worse, nothing got better.

"Frank?" I mumbled stretching as I woke up, realizing he wasn't on the couch with me. I heard noises in the bathroom, like someone was sick. I got up and opened the door, only to find a crying, screaming, and sick Frank.

"Please don't k-I-ll me-e," he said crying as he noticed me, scrambling into the corner like a scared cat.

I walked over to him, sat down next to him and pulled him up on my lap, him flinching at the touch, before he began to cry in my shoulder.

"Frank what did you do?" I asked quietly, brushing a piece of hair out of his face with my hand.

"I-I hav-nt eaten I-in four day-s" he said before having a full out anxiety attack and screaming and crying into my shirt once again.

"Frankie, calm down please it's okay, why are you in here then?" I asked fixing his hair some more.

He screamed again and took a breath. He looked at me with sad eyes and then the floor.

"Frank... were you trying to make yourself throw up?" I asked shifting a little bit.

He sat staring at the floor before sniffing and nodding his head a little, indicating a yes.

"Frank why are you doing this to yourself? What is so wrong?" I asked rubbing his leg, trying to make him feel better, causing him to shiver.

"Because I'm afraid that I'm not good enough for you, that I'm to fat, that I'm to ugly, that I'm to me," he said grabbing his blade and handing it to me shakily.

I looked at it for a second, then set it down,"Frank listen.. you are not fat, you are not ugly, and you are not a piece of shit like you think you are. you are an amazing person and I don't understand why or how you can think these things, or where you even see them. your so perfect Frankie...*sniff* shit I'm crying *sniff* I couldn't live without you, and I can't tell you how, lucky, I am to have you." by this point I was crying, and trying to not make eye contact, but the second I did, Franks eyes were brimming with tears, one of them running down his cheek. He was on the verge of crying, and shakily smirking.

I broke.

"F-Frank I love you..." I said crying into his shoulder, his arms around me.

"I love you to.." He said quietly

We stayed like this for who knows how long, until he finally pulled away. he looked at my tear soaked face, eyeliner from yesterday smeared, and I looked at his blushed pale face, that was so perfect in every way.

He looked at me, looked at my mouth, and at me again, I did the same. We both gave each other a hint and he finally dove in for the best make-out session I've ever had. He began to change positions, never breaking the kiss, until he was in the perfect position for me to be able to pick him up and carry him into the room, still kissing.

I laid him down on the couch as we continued. I swear this was probably the best thing that has happened in days. we continued for quite a while.

The kiss finally broke with us gasping for air. ( HA NO SMUT BITCHATCHOES )

"Gee, I'm, hungry," he said in between breaths, while smirking at me, before we went at it again.

Only words to describe it-
best. day. ever. Especially when we left for chipotlé.
Longest chapter so far GO ME, Idek what this is.

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