**NEW**||chapter Thirteen||

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*franks POV*

I saw stars. pretti starz. huh.

*Gerards POV*

I walked over to Frank who was sitting in front of the TV looking stoned, so focused on the animation.

"Frank? A-are you okay babe?" I asked laughing as he looked up at me smiling an open mouthed drunk grin.

"Gee-bear?" He asked giggling at me as I sat next to him.

"How many drinks have you had Frank?"

"Uh i dunno fo-ive" he said holding up three fingers.

I didn't want him getting wasted but it was pretty damn funny must I say.

"But but Gee heh look at his hair cut he looks like *hic* like a girl" Frank said laughing shakily pointing at Dora on the screen

I laughed and kissed him on the cheek before I stood up and pulled him up with me leading us downstairs, me having to help him walk to find Bert laying on the floor.

"Bert *hic* was a good man.." Frank said drunkly.

"Frank! He's not dead he passed out he's sleeping" I laughed my ass off, that was the funniest thing I've ever heard Frank say drunk or not.

"Oh *hic* well wake the fuck up you ugly bastard" Frank said giggling as he Nudged Berts arm with his foot.

I grabbed my keys and we got in my car. we began to head home when I saw that Frank had passed out on the other side.

*10 minutes later*

I picked Frank up and carried him into the kitchen where my mom was.

"Hey boys how was the par- OH MY GOD F-"

"SHHHHH MOM HES SLEEPING!" I whisper-yelled at her.

"Oh, sorry sweetie, how was the party?" She asked smiling.

"It was pretty good, Frank and I just watched movies so it wasn't really any different than what we do here." I said laughing a little, looking down smiling at Frank curled up to my side sleeping in my arms.

"Oh well that's great to hear,I'm heading to work after I clean up in here, I'll be gone for a couple of days so behave" she said as she continued to clean.

"I'll try not to burn the house down," I laughed as I began carrying Frank to my room.

I closed the door and set Frank on my bed, pulling the covers down. I layed next to him and just stared at him for a little while. He was so adorable when he slept, he would talk sometimes or snore a little. honestly I HATE when people snore, but he sounds like a cat, and it's so adorable.

"Gee.." he groaned stretching and opening his eyes.

"Hey," I said smiling at him.

He moved on top of me and hugged and cuddled me, digging his head into my neck.

"I missed you..." he said quietly.

"I've been here the whole time Frank, how can you miss me?" I giggled

"Because you weren't in my dream," he said as he leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"You're adorable Frankie,"

"Oh trust me I try," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

As funny as it was seeing him wasted, I did enjoy him when he wasn't, even if he was a little hungover.


Sorry I haven't been doing anything but I've been getting like A LOT of views on this being its my first story, so I decided to continue it for a little longer ✊🏻

Enjoy beans❤️

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