Part 24

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Mouyani's POV

"DD got me fucked up for real, how he gon get with that Alabama girl, and then break up and then get back together with her?! And you seen that story?" I said venting to Notti. Notti looks at me before taking another whiff from his blunt. "Why you care so much?" He says, squinting his eyes.

I open my mouth to speak, but hesitate to tell him what happened that night. He looks at me gesturing with his hand telling me to keep talking. "That's not important." I decide to say instead. He smacks his teeth and looks away from me, shaking his head. "I can't help you, if I don't know what's up." He says standing up. I reach out for his wrist to keep him from leaving. He looks back at me expecting me to say something. "Me and DD... We hooked up on the night my mom passed. Well... almost." I admit, looking at the ground not being able to look up.

"I know." he says, sounding irritated by the subject. "So you don't think it's weird he got with a girl 2 days later?" I say, with my arms crossed. "It was a one time thing, y'all didn't fuck and y'all didn't ever talk about it after those 2 days, so any guy would think it means nothing." He says shrugging.

"We ain't talking about any guy, we're talking about DD. My ex, the one that said he wanted to wife me up, the one I used to date since middle school, the one that didn't want me and you to be together so bad because he wanted me and him to be together." I say, sighing. "Excactly, so we're not talking about even dating no more, We're talking about me and you. DD don't want you no more." He says, shrugging. "What?! How could you say that?! He's your brother, he's my friend, I've known him almost his whole life. Not everything is about me." I say on the verge of a breakdown. Notti shakes his head and looks away. "You're right, it's about both of you. It's always about you and DD." He says sighing and walking away.

"That's not what I meant." I say feeling sympathetic. He looks back at me...

and it's clear he's dead on the inside...

"But I don't know fuck it, have a threesome since you care so much. Y'all can take turns and be fuck buddies." he says taking another whiff, then leaving.

I run after him and grab on to his wrist again. He looks back at me and pushes me back into my room, closing the door behind both of us. "Let's talk about it then." He says staring into my eyes. At this point he had me surrounded by his arms and pinned against a wall, looking up at him.

"You want DD? Take him then. But don't drag me into this stupid shit again. I'm done defending you. Start acting more mature and handle yo shit. I don't give a fuck. For all I care go fuck every guy in the school, It's not in my control and I don't care. Leave me alone Mouyani unless you have something worth my time. Because this just ain't it". He says, looking into my eyes. "Got that?" He says. I stare anywhere but at him, a little scared to make eye contact, but I do anyways..

I see his eyes travel to my lips for a second, after he saw I caught him he looked back up immediately, eyes widened, and pushes himself off the wall, giving me free will to move. "Yeah... I got that" I finally muster up the courage to say.

I want to confront him. He nods twords me like nothin just happened. I watch him get close to walking to the door. Should I say anything?

"Something tellin' me you don't though, because I just caught you looking at my lips like you wanted to-" "Doesn't matter, you're bugging Mouyani it was just a look, nothin more." He interrupts.

'Nigga you is not getting away that easily'

"So why'd you freak out when I caught you?" I ask like I'm interrogating him. He smacks his teeth and ignores my question. He walks out the door but I try to catch up to him. He closes the door behind him, in the process of slamming it in my face. I look at the door that just shut in my face like I had just gone into cardiac arrest.

I can be better.... //Ddosama Or Notti Osama???Where stories live. Discover now