Ch.14- Like a Brother to Me

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Mic gently led Bakugou outside the room, sensing the weight of the emotions threatening to overflow within the young hero. They found solace in the hospital parking lot, away from prying eyes and the confines of the hospital walls. Bakugou's hands trembled with repressed emotions, his fiery facade crumbling under the weight of his worries.

Mic sat beside him on the curb, offering a supportive presence. He waited patiently, knowing that Bakugou needed an outlet for his emotions. Slowly, the tears that Bakugou had held back began to flow, his frustration and anguish pouring out in a torrent.

At first, his tears were accompanied by anger, lashing out at the concrete beneath him, leaving small cracks in his wake. But as the minutes passed, his anger gave way to raw vulnerability, and he began to speak through his tears.

"I've always protected him," Bakugou's voice wavered, choked with emotion. "Ever since we were kids, I've been there for him. But now... now I can't do anything. It's killing me."

Mic listened attentively, allowing Bakugou to release his pent-up feelings, providing a safe space for him to bare his soul. The orange hues of the sunrise painted the sky as they sat together, finding solace in the quietude of the moment.

"He's like a brother to me," Bakugou continued, his voice filled with a mix of love and anguish. "I've always looked out for him, protected him. But this... this is something I can't fight or punch into submission. It's terrifying, damn it!"

Mic placed a comforting hand on Bakugou's back, offering silent support. The dawn painted a backdrop to their conversation, a symbol of hope amidst the darkness. Together, they navigated the complex maze of emotions, acknowledging the weight of their bond with Midoriya and the helplessness they felt in the face of his condition.

In that quiet moment, sitting side by side on the curb, Bakugou found solace in Mic's understanding presence. They shared their fears, their tears mingling with the rising sun, as they sought strength from each other to face the challenges ahead.

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