Ch. 16- Shitty dad jokes

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The cool night air provided a brief respite, but Bakugou's emotions still ran high. He had calmed down enough to pull himself away from Mic's side, but he was still far from the "I'm fine" that followed mic's hesitant "how you holding up little listener?"
Bakugou was never one to show much emotion and he had already reached his limit for the night. Mic knew this. Mic glanced at Bakugou, who was clenching his fists, trying to rein in his overwhelming mix of anger, sadness, and frustration.

It was obvious to see that beneath Bakugou's tough exterior, the young hero was hurting.

With a gentle smile Mic tried to comfort the boy the only way he knew how. He decided to lighten the mood. "Hey, kiddo, what's a hero's favorite type of footwear?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes with a grunt, not entirely in the mood for jokes. "What?"

"Boots! Because they're always ready to give villains the boot!" Mic chuckled at his own pun, hoping to coax a smile out of Bakugou.

Bakugou's lips twitched, unable to resist a smirk at what was quite possibly the shittiest dad joke he had ever heard. "Shitty jokes won't fix anything, you know."

Mic shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe not, but they can lighten the mood a bit. Laughter is a powerful thing, bud."

Bakugou huffed, he was a bit annoyed by the constant babying, but he couldn't deny the truth in Mic's words. "Fine, hit me with another one then."

Mic nodded, ready to deliver his next joke. "Why did the hero bring a ladder to the fight?"

Bakugou crossed his arms, a bit defiant but surprisingly genuinely curious. "I don't know, why?"

"Because they heard the villain was rising to the occasion!" Mic burst into laughter, his boisterous voice echoing in the quiet parking lot.

Bakugou couldn't help it this time; he cracked a small smile. "Okay, that one was still pretty stupid, but I'll admit it got a chuckle out of me."

Mic clapped his hands in triumph. "That's progress! See, even in the toughest times, finding a moment of joy can make all the difference."

Bakugou sighed, his shoulders relaxing as he allowed himself to let go of some of his pent-up emotions. "Thanks, Mic. I needed that."

Mic patted Bakugou on the back, a comforting gesture. "Anytime, Bakugou. Remember, we're all here for you, including that troublesome friend of yours inside."

Bakugou nodded. Though unwilling to admit it, he grateful for the support. "Yeah, I know. I'll be there for him, too. No matter what."

As they sat on the curb, watching the first rays of dawn paint the sky with gentle hues, Bakugou felt a glimmer of hope. The weight on his shoulders didn't feel as heavy, knowing that he had friends who cared and would face whatever challenges came their way, together.

The sun rose, signaling a new day, and with it, a renewed determination to support one another through the trials ahead. Bakugou was ready to stand by Midoriya's side, armed with his explosive quirk and a newfound understanding of the power of friendship and laughter.

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