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Alex only has morning classes and Olive has afternoon ones, so I organize to hang out with them for half a day each.

Ever since Alex and I talked out our issues, everything has gone back to normal. Relatively.

The first difference is that we sleep together every night, taking in turns going between his dorm room at uni and my bedroom at home. After the first week it was clear that his dreams weren't going away, and the only thing that calms him is me.

The second difference are the subjects that are a touchy to discuss. For example, me dying. It creates unease and awkwardness, something neither of us want to experience. So we avoid that, unless I go to the doctors. Then he will ask me how it went, but only then.

Speaking of doctors, I have to go more often now. Twice a week; every Monday and Thursday. I hate it, but I'm on the downhill run. My stomach is starting to bloat to the point of no return, so I don't have much of a choice in the check ups.

The last difference between Alex and my current relationship is just that, our relationship. Or at least, the title of it. We're friends, and every time I have to explain that, I cringe. I don't want to be just friends anymore, but Alex has taken no action to change that. Sure, he asks me out multiple times when I don't want him to, but when I do, he acts like he's never thought of the concept.

It is bugging the hell out of me.

What's worse? He knows it.

I know he's already gone by the absence of his warmth beside me, supported by the note he left on his pillow.

Didn't want to wake you. Will be back at 1pm. Have fun with Olive.

- Alex x

I pin the note to my pinboard and am dressed and ready by the time my best friend gets here. I hear her bug out my window before I see it, the old thing starting to sound it's age. I smooth out my skirt and head downstairs, happy to see the house empty.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I'm not in the mood for dealing with a squealing, newly-three-year-old brother or happy-go-lucky parents. I'm in more of a don't-talk-to-me-unless-you-have-something-of-value mood. Maybe that will disappear when morning passes.

I potter around the kitchen to make myself a coffee when Olive strolls in, being her usual loud self.

"DAKOTA EVERETT! YOU BETTER BE AWAKE AND YOUR BOYFRIEND BETTER BE GONE!" She screams the house down and enters the kitchen with a smirk on her face. When she sees me, her eyes widen a bit and she grins. "Surprise surprise! You're awake and Alex is gone. What a morning."

"Jesus. Are you always this loud in the mornings or are you just trying really hard today?"

She rolls her eyes, knowing how to deal with me in my moods. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Why are you being such a grumble bum?"

She leans on her elbows, not at all affected by my glare. I take the stool opposite her, crossing my legs.

"It's morning and I'm awake," I mumble, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Well suck it up. Today I'm teaching you how to play a song on a musical instrument."

My ears perk up. It's one of the things on my To Do List. "What instrument?"

She opens her tote bag and digs through it, frowning when she can't find it. That's when she starts emptying the contents onto the counter. Wallet. Phone. Keys. Tissues. Mints. Makeup. A carry bag. Paper. More tissues. And finally...

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