Part 6

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You wave down a taxi trying to not break down in the middle of the city. Eventually, one finally stops for you and you get in telling them your address. Before the taxi driver starts to drive you see Tom in the reflection of the window trying to get you to stop. You try to hold back your tears, anger, confusion, stress and sadness till you get home.

Toms pov:

"I'll be right back, I need to go find a couple of my buddies" I said waving by to the group making sure to give y/n an extra long pause of my gaze. "I need a drink" I mumbled. After a couple minutes I was given the drink I ordered and went to find some people. But on my way into the lounge they normally hangout and I pass a different lounge with at least 10 girls in it. They pull me in by sitting me down on this couch by force, not even giving me a second to think. "Look i'm flattered but I was looking for someone so if you don't mind i'm going to leave n-" I try to say before one interrupts me placing her hand on my leg "It wouldn't kill you to stay with us for a while, would it?" she says getting close to my face. The other girls join in and all beg me to stay but I try to express to them that I really have to get going. I try to stand up but I just get pulled right back down. I'm starting to get frustrated but I decided to just fake it and play along for a few minutes so I can leave. I answer short to all of their questions, avoid eye contact, and everytime one touches me I try to get her hands off but they just return to where they were before. I'm staring straight ahead trying to wait this living hell out a few more moments so they'll let me leave. I grab a girl's hand trying to get it off of me, but as I look up I see y/n standing staring at me. She shakes her head and then storms off. I try to get up but the girls are just laughing at y/n saying " Come on, we're wayyy prettier than her, and more fun". They pulled me back down to sit, after so many times I got frustrated and pushed one of the girls off of me. I ran out to try and find her but all I can see is a taxi with her in it driving away.

end of tom pov

After 15 minutes finally at your home, you pay the driver and thank him before sprinting into your house. You run up to your room and the second you walk through your bedroom doors you break down to the ground crying. It's uncontrollable. You can get tears and screams to stop flowing out of you. What happend, just a few hours ago Tom was laying beside you after you telling you these stupid sweet lies. You cry for so long no more tears can be forced out of your eyes. You get a text from Bill asking where you went and you just reply saying you didn't feel well. Your face is puffy and your throat sore. You open the window to smoke quickly. The second you're done with your cig you put it out on the window ledge and shut the window making sure to lock it so tom doesn't try to get in. Later in the night you hear knocking on your window multiple times but you ignore it. You don't even want to hear his excuses.

You wake up the next day feeling like shit and looking at it too, your makeup from last night smeared all over your face and you hadn't even changed out of your clothes from the club. Your eyes were puffy and your face was flushed. How could you be so stupid, you know from the start what kind of guy Tom was yet you still gave him a chance, you thought to yourself. You keep letting guys like this get your hopes up, saying you're different from the rest and then breaking your heart in a tragic way. You hear knocking on your front door from your room, assuming it's Tom you ignore it, but the knocking turns into loud banging. You stomp down stairs to tell Tom to leave you alone. You swing the door open yelling "STOP BANGING ON MY DOOR AND GO AWAY" you see tom's face covered in tears with a worried look but you don't care. You go back upstairs in an even worse mood to take a bath. You sit in the tub for two hours listening to music for a bit then fall asleep. You wake up from noise next door, the band is practicing. The music they are playing keeps cutting out.

Bills pov:

"Tom what's wrong with you today why can't we get through the first half of this song. you never mess up this much, is everything ok?" I say looking over at Tom seeing his cold emotionless face. I'm starting to get worried. I practically had to drag him out of his room to practice. "Ya sorry" he said looking down, still emotionless getting ready to try again. "Ok no, we aren't continuing practice till we figure out what's wrong with you '' I said to Tom trying to get to the bottom of what was going on. "What happened Tom?" I said having him down on the couch next to me. "It's y/n" he said shortly. "what happened with y/n" "She misjudged something that was happening last night at the club, that's why she left early." he said, I saw tears start to form in his eyes. "What did she see? And you have to be honest with me Tom." I asked cautiously, knowing Tom's past. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw him hooking up with another girl but I could see real sadness in his face. "These girls in a lounge room pulled me in and wouldn't let me leave. I tried to wait it out a little bit just sitting there doing nothing, but then y/n saw. She ran away crying and got into a taxi." Tom said furrowing his eyebrows. " Well you weren't doing anything with these girls right, just sitting there, no touching or flirting right?" "No, of course not! Well y/n saw me touch a girl's hand but I was only grabbing her hand to move it off of me. I really like y/n and now I'm scared I lost her forever because of this misunderstanding." he said vulnerably. "You need to talk to her Tom, that's the only way you can make this right, if you give up now you'll regret it forever if you really like y/n '' I said to reassure him. "I tried, I went to her house last night and tapped on her window but she ignored me, and then I went to her front door this morning and she yelled and slammed the door on me." "maybe just let her cool off for a few days then she might be ready to listen, but when you talk to her you need to let her know how you feel, be vulnerable and honest with her."

end of bill pov

The depressing day was over. This was the first time since you moved here not hanging out with the group, instead you just layed sulking in bed all day. Right before you go to bed you have your cig and see tom doing the same out his window. The second you see him you shut your window and decide to just smoke in the backyard. Sitting in your backyard you decide to not let this affect you so much and decide to go look for a job to occupy your time tomorrow. You walk back up the stairs and go to bed feeling slightly refreshed at the thought of getting a job tomorrow.

You wake up the next day and take applications and your resume to a couple different places early in the morning. And you get a call back from a convenience store only a couple hours later asking you for an interview that same day, you agree and start to get ready for it. You're ready and start to walk out to get in your car for the interview.

Toms pov:

I was laying in bed and needed a cig. I haven't gotten up all day. I've just been laying here sleeping or watching television. As I take the lighter away from the end of my cig I see y/n walking to her car in a nice outfit. My thoughts start running the second I see her. 'Where is she going? Is she meeting someone? Does she have a date? Who is she seeing?' I rapidly put out my cig and got in my car to see where she's going. I follow far behind her so she doesn't see me. She arrives at a convenience store. What is she doing at a convenience store in such a nice outfit? She's carrying a folder of papers, she must be getting an interview. That would justify the outfit and the folder. I quickly wrote down the address of the store and put it in my wallet. I get in my car and drive back home before she notices me.

end of toms pov


Stalker tom?

˜"*°• 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖉 •°*"˜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang