Part 9

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You slowly wake up and reach over to greet Tom but he's not there. You look around see him getting ready across the room. "TOM! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP WHAT TIME IS IT" you saw getting out of bed too quickly, falling to your knees. "Relax, you still have some time," Tom said giggling, walking over to you to help you off the floor. You start to get your final things together, then move down stairs to get all your luggage into the tour bus. You step outside your house and see an absolutely massive tour bus, you run over to Bill excitedly and you both geek out about how happy you both are to go on tour. You finish putting all of your belongings into the storage of the bus then rush up to your room to get into a comfy cute outfit for the drive to the first stop. You grab the bag of stuff you want to keep with you and your favorite blanket and stuffed animal and run down to the bus. You see that the band is in there waiting for you so you quickly sit down next to Tom ofc. He smiles at you while you sit down. Since you quickly sat down you didn't really look around the bus so you turned your head around to look and see a couple bunk beds towards the back, a sitting area and a restroom. Bill asks for volunteers to drive there, normally the manager would be if you guys are meeting him at the first location, Georg offers to drive while Bill moves to the bunk beds to sleep. You want to sleep on the bus to make the 6 hour drive seem shorter but your just so excited you cant. You turn to ask Tom something you've been meaning to for a while "Tom, can you teach me german pretty please. I know a little bit but I want to learn more so I can understand you and the group." The second these words leave your mouth his face beams so happy to see you interested in learning his language. "Ofc, here we will start out easy, Du bist schön." he said. " I know you are something but I don't know what the last word is" You say. " I have a good idea, get out your laptop and i'll get you some online courses we can do together that way it walks you through a good pace and in right order" you get out your laptop and Tom signs you up for these courses, you both do them for about an hour before you get to the word he said earlier. "schön, beautiful" You said looking over at him. " You are beautiful, that's what you said earlier right?!" you said looking proud of yourself. Tom nods and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You suggest you take a break from german and take a quick nap. He agrees and pulls you in close having you rest your head on his shoulder, then resting his own on top of your head. After what seemed like a short time you arrive at the hotel you'll be staying at for the next two nights. But since it was such late notice you were only able to get one room for you and the group to stay in, there were 4 twin sized beds and a pull out couch. You offer the pull out couch for yourself and the band tries to say no but you don't let them and put your things onto the couch claiming it. You and the band set all of your stuff down near where you'll be sleeping then you suggest you go swimming in the hotel's pool, they say it's a great idea and start to change. " Tom, would you like to pick my bathing suit? '' you say, blushing a little bit. "Hell yes." he says seriously. He then, expectedly, picks out the most revealing one. You go to the bathroom to change after the others finish changing as well. You walk out and see Tom's eyes widen and swallow hard. "You like?" he say putting your arms out. "Give me a spin," Toms says, looking you up and down. You twirl and he tells you to do it again since he 'didn't get a good look' the first time. You hit him on the shoulder jokingly and all of you start making your way to the pool. You tell the boys you're going to tan for a bit before getting in and to go ahead without you, you lay your towel down on a chair, put on your sunglasses and lay out. After only a few moments of the hot sun beaming down on your body you feel someone pick you up. You look to see its Tom and he's walking for the pool with you in his arms, once he starts getting closer he begins to run jumping into the cool water with you in his arms. You splash up from the water to see Tom laughing while wiping the water from his eyes. He turns around to see the others' reactions and you sneak behind him and jump on his back trying to get his head under water as payback. but instead Tom's body stays completely still while you throw yourself around on him trying to get him to go down, after a few seconds of you climbing on him he grabs you and pushes you into the water instead. Once again you emerge from the water and see him laughing. You and the others play around in the water for a little bit before it starts to get dark and then Gustav suggests you go to a club in the new area to celebrate the beginning of the tour.

I know this part is like sooo much shorter than what I normally do but I wanted to make sure I got it out on time this time.

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