Part 7

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You get into your car after thanking the interviewer for their time. Sitting down you let a sigh of relief out. You think it went well, the person interviewing you seemed to really like you and asked you a lot of questions about when you're available. You decide to reward yourself with a drink when you get home. You drive home listening to the radio and a tokio hotel song comes on, you immediately switch it to stop yourself from thinking about Tom. You arrive at your house and find the vodka and grab a redbull as a chaser. You take a couple shots to get yourself started then move to a glass on wine. You sip on the wine sitting on the couch watching some tv and your glass is empty so your pour another glass, then you drink that one, and an hour later almost the entire bottle is gone and so are you. You decide to turn on some jazz music and just walk and dance around the house to cheer yourself up. You slowly dance around the house while you make your way to grab another bottle of wine. You open it drunkenly almost dropping it. You get about halfway through that glass before you decide to go take a bath to finish the rest. Before getting in the bath you open your bedroom window to smoke holding your cig in one hand and your glass in the other. You look across to see into Tom's room, you see him and Tom talking about something, Bill grabs Tom hugging him while Tom cries. You roll your eyes finishing off your cig getting into the bath, you get bored and get out not much longer after. You put on a robe and then you hear a knock on the door. You stumble down the stairs to answer it almost spilling the bit on wine left in the glass. You open it saying "wHaT Do yOu WanT TOmm" drunk. You see its Bill, "Oh my god y/n how many glasses of that have you had?!" he asks worried before setting you up right after you almost fall over. "HmMmmmM LiKE FouR or MaybE Fiveeee" you say taking a pause "OhHhh AnD ThrEE ShoTS" "JESUS CHRIST Y/N" Bill says leading you into the house to lay down. "ImmmM FiNE" you say whining. Bill sets you on to the couch then starts to speak "Listen y/n, I know you're upset with Tom but I really think you should try to listen to him" he said while trying to get you to focus on him. You start to sober up a little bit hearing Tom's name "What is there to talk about? I saw him in a room full of girls, he was even holding on to their hands Bill, really i'm fine" you say trying to not either puke or fall asleep. "Still just try to hear him out" "let me think on it" you say coldly. Bill gets up to leave after helping you up to your room to get to bed before you drink more.

You wake up the next day and have the worst hangover you've ever had. You take some medicine and eat some cereal when your phone starts to ring. You answer.

C(caller):"Hi, is this y/n?"

y/n: yes this is y/n...

c: I'm calling to inform you that you got the job at our convenience store, when can you start?

Y/n: Oh! well i'm free whenever for my first day

c: ok great i'll see you at 3 today for your first shift!

Before you can reply they hang up. Damn they must be really understaffed you think. You look at the time and see its 1 meaning you have 2 hours to feel better and get ready. You chug multiple glasses of water and start getting ready. You make it to the convenience store and walk in. You quickly get trained and it doesn't take much time since you worked at a similar store when you lived in New york. Your first couple of hours are long and slow, it hits 10 pm and the manager runs up to you asking if you can stay for a couple more hours since the person to work the overnight shift called out, you don't refuse since it's your first day. You grab a redbull the second you get the news annoyed. No one had come in in a couple hours but then you hear the door alert ding waking you up from spacing out. You look up to see who had walked in but they weren't there. You ignore it and wait for them to come to the counter to pay. "Can I get a pack of Marlboro lights please" the voice asks. You reach to grab them behind you then turn back to ring them up seeing it's Tom. You gasp scared and he had a worried sympathetic look on his face. "Y/n can we please talk?" he asks trying to get your attention on only him. "I'm working right now." you say short continuing to ring him up. "I don't see anyone else in here." he says, looking around to prove his point. "Tom. I'm working." "y/n...please" "fine I get off in about 30 minutes, wait for me or dont I dont care." you say handing him the pack of cigs and his receipt. "of course" he said looking slightly more hopefully walking out. You finish the last few minutes of your shift walking out to your car with your things exhausted. You turn the corner to see Tom waiting next to your car, you both get into his car to talk.

T: y/n you have to believe me this has all been a huge misunderstanding

y/n: how can it be a misunderstanding I know what I saw tom

T: just please let me explain and try to believe me

T: Well remember when I walked off to go find some friends when we got into the club, all of them usually hangout in this lounge room and I had planned to just stop for a minute then come back and find you. But on my way to their room I walked past the room with all the girls in it. They pulled me into the room by force and sat me on the couch. Believe me I tried to get up and leave but they wouldn't let me. They kept touching me trying to flirt and I moved their hands each time. That's what you saw. I wasn't holding her hand, I was trying to get it off of me. The only reason I was still in there was because after trying multiple times to get up and leave and them not letting me, I decided to wait it out and be short with them till they got bored and let me leave. I sat there staring straight ahead barely answering their questions and moving them to get off of me. I didn't want to be there at all. You happened to walk by at the wrong time and made it look like I was doing something I really wasn't. y/n I like you a lot and I mean it when I say you're different none of those lousy girls in that room compare to you.

Each time Tom explains a new part your eyes fill with more tears feeling relieved, guilty and sad.

Y/n: Tom... i'm so sorry, it just looked a lot worse than what it was and I took it the wrong way. I feel so bad for just assuming you were doing something wrong, I'm really so sorry.

You start crying feeling terrible, you saw how upset Tom has been the past few days and you know it's all because of you just assuming something. Tom grabs you holding you close and you can feel and hear him crying as well. You pull him out of the embrace, look him in the eyes both wiping each other's tears away for the other. You kiss him quickly and passionately seeing the love in his eyes. He grabs your waist, lifting you up to place you on his lap to deepen the kiss. He pulls away to say " I'm so glad we could figure this out" before giving you one last kiss. " Me too," you reply, smiling at him. You get into your own car while Tom stays in his, both of you driving back to Tom's house. You arrive and Tom opens the door for you, letting you in. You decide to stay the night with Tom. He holds your hand guiding you up to his room, closing the door behind you both. "do you mind if I shower really quick?" you ask "of course he says getting you clothes from his drawers and a towel. You get into the shower and feel so much weight and sadness lifted off your shoulders. You finish your shower and go out to his room in his clothes that swallow you whole. He smiles at you blushing at the sight of you in his clothes. You hop in bed cuddling up close to him while he squeezes you happily. You both fall asleep holding onto each other and stay that way all night. You wake up and see Tom isn't laying in bed. You walk down stairs to overhear Tom and the rest of the band talking. "i'm so happy she forgave me, I was really worried and this is just in tim-" You finish walking down and Tom stops talking. Bill runs up to you and hugs you, happy to see that you and Tom made up. " I have some really exciting news for you y/nnnnnn!!!" you perk up quickly, excited to hear what the news is.


Cliff hangerrrrrrrr

So sorry this part is a few hours late but tomorrow mornings should be uploaded at a normal time.

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