Chapter 1

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"So when are you going to travel, Lil?"

"My plane is flying tomorrow morning and I called my cousin again to check on the house and she assured me that once I land, I'll go to my house there" I say to Will through the cell phone.

"That's great. Can't wait to see you! If you need anything there just call ok?"

"Can't wait to see you too. Alright thank you though"

"Now go and get some sleep tomorrow sucks ya know?"

"Yeah, bonnenuit William Sparks"

"Bonnenuit Lilian Hendricks " he laughs and we hang up.

Okay first I want to start it by introducing myself. My name is Mia Hendricks. I'm eighteen years old. Born in London and I was living in it but I moved to Australia with Zac 'my brother' two years ago. He's twenty. I also have Jake and he's twenty four.

Jake is married to his long time love, Lucie. They have their baby boy, Jonnah but they're still in London.

They're the only ones who are still alive from my family members after my dad, mom and my twinie sister had died in a car accident. So now they're everything to me after losing Lilian and my parents forever and since then I had my panic attacks.

I decided month ago to do what I need to do and what I was thinking for nearly an entire year to do. It's to talk to a stranger and tell him everything good and bad in my life. Tell him about my problems and my downs which I've had them after the accident and as I had read before it's better to tell your problems to a stranger. Maybe he would help you and if he didn't, it's not something wierd and against the best friends code.

So I texted William Sparks he was a stranger to me. I got to know him through twitter after making a new account using my sister's name.

His account wasn't with a profile picture and till now it isn't with a profile picture. But for some reasons I don't want to see him and I don't want him to see me till we meet. I don't want even to tell him my real name. Wierd right?

At first, he was so mean to me but after a while he had changed his attitude with me and from there we began to talk each day and we became friends.

I told him all my problems and also about my panic attacks and he told me his. Although I've never seen him yet, he is a good friend to me.

"Mia, do you need any help?" Zac enters my room

"Yes, can you please pack my books and movies and put them in this bag?" I ask

"Sure, I can. I really wish you luck in your life there and I'm waiting to hear about your new boyfriend" he chuckles

"Oh. Where is my protective brother?" I smirk

"Here sis. But I'm not Jake once again" he shrugs

We both laugh because both of us know well who is Jake and that he's over protective. Not on me only but on Zac and was on Lilian too. Zac is protective as well but not as much as Jake is.

"Well done" he says after twenty minutes.

"And I'm done with all the packing too"

"So let's watch a movie" he states

"Nooo. I need to sleep"

"Mia, I'm bored!"

"Zac, I want to sleep!

"Fine, I think I'll hang out with my friends. Remember I let you sleep like you want and you didn't do what I want. You owe me one. Night sis" he kisses my forehead.

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