Chapter 10

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"Come home tonight and I'll tell you" he says

"No I won't be home tonight and you tell me now"

"I'll be home tonight. Try not to sleep if you want to know" he says and leaves.

I sit on a bench in the street and keep crying. From where did he know? I don't remember saying to him anything about my life when I was drunk and Char wouldn't say to him anything. Although I know that Duke and Char don't speak much, I must ask her and make sure that she didn't say anything. What did I do in my life to deserve all this? Now I can't live with him while he knows about the accident and god knows what else he knows. I must leave this apartment but not before I know from him everything.

I feel my body tensed and I can't catch my breath and my heart beats are faster than ever. I call Jake to come and pick me up.

"Hello" he answers.

"Jake come and pick me up now and please don't be late" I beg.

"Is everything okay?"

"No. Yes, yes but I'm just so tired"

"Oh my god" he seems to know that I have a panic attack now. I wouldn't want to worry him through the phone. "I'll be there in minutes just give me the address" he continues.

I give him the address. I still can't catch my breath and I keep crying. I want to go back to Zac and my home there, I want to tell him everything and I know he will comfort me. I don't say that Jake won't comfort me but Zac will comfort me more than Jake will. I really want to turn back home, my life was simpler than that.

Minutes later Jake shows up with his car.

"You okay?" He hands me a bottle of water and a medicine then hugs by my side and I shake my head. Jake knows well that I can't talk now so he stays silent.

I stand up and hop the car then take my medicine. I become better than minutes ago so I tell Jake that I have to go home tonight.

"Why Mia?" Jake asks.

"When I was on my way to your house, Duke came to me then he told me that he knows that our parents and sister died and that he knows so many things about my life" I explain slowly.

"You didn't ask him from where he knew?" He asks

"I asked him but he didn't say anything, he told me to be home tonight and we will talk"

"What the hell Mia? You shouldn't have accepted to do that. You should have let him tell you at the moment" Jake raises his voice. I know that he's angry from the whole situation not from me.

"I tried Jake but he refused to say anything. Let me go home now please" I beg and he nods.

Minutes later we were in my apartment. It won't be mine after today.

I open the front door and place the keys on the table. We go in the living room and I lay on the couch and Jake sits on a chair.

It's still one thirty and I don't know when Duke will come. I decide to call Char, I know that she's with Rusty now and I wouldn't want to distract them but I have to ask her.

"Hello, Mia" she answers after the third ring.

"Hello, Char. I'm sorry that I callrd you now but I want to ask you something" I say.

"It's no problem. Sure ask" she says

"Did you tell Duke anything?" I ask

"Anything like what?" She asks.

"Anything like.... about my past. Did you?"

"What? Hell no Mia. You know I can't do that to my friend especially you" she defends.

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