Chapter 16

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I just want you to know why it takes me long to update, but I started school two weeks ago and it's really and important year, so I must work hard, but I try my best to update well written chapters for everyone who waits for a new chapter. Enjoy this chapter♥

"I told you I don't want your pity. I just came to reveal some of the weight from my chest and don't tell anyone about what I just told you" he looks at me with begging eyes

"Duke I'll never do that. Trust me" I remove my tears by my hands and turn to face him.


Chapter 16.

"Thank you" he says and stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask. "I mean we didn't finish talking"

"You don't need to say anything. I just wanted to give it a try and tell someone about my problem and there's no other one than you" he brushes his neck

"But I want to help you" I put my hands on my lap.

"No. It's okay, plus nothing will ever change. Thank you"

I want to tell him to give it a try and be good with his mother and her husband, because at last she's his mother and he can't change it. I'm sure he has needed his mother for several times, because no one doesn't need his mother. Any person in this big world his main thing is his mother. No one can live in a house without any furniture and no one can live without his mother. I know it's the most terrible comparison ever, but I feel it like this. We'll live without them, but life would be harder without your mother. Yes, my life is harder without my mum. I want to tell him that whatever his mother has done, she still loves him and when she goes away, he will know that he was just a stupid thing for not talking to her for four years and he's not even willing to.

Instead of saying all this, I just nod.

Duke's POV.

She nods and I stay still in my place. I don't want to leave now. I want to talk more, because talking to her made me feel better. I know she didn't say anything but she heard me. I hate to admit it, because I'm not this weak person who needs someone to help him and hear him, I can deal with my life and my problems, but I needed someone to hear me this time. Only this time.

I thought why don't I try to tell her this time. I wasn't willing to tell her the whole story and I didn't want her to know about me, but when I had started talking, everything slipped out from my mouth like a falling necklace and that really bothers me.

"What were you doing?" I change this subject.

"I was studying" she looks at me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I must study. Why I never see you studying?"

"Why should I study?" I chuckle.

"For exams and everything" she chuckles too.

"That's not my thing and don't worry I pass every exam with high grades"

"How?" she knitted her eyebrows.

"Because I'm that type of a person who concentrates well during the class then everything he listens to stick in his mind. I study before exams but not much"

"I'm not that type at all. I must study hard to remember everything" she smiles her genuine smile at me.

"I'm genius" I smirk.

"You're weird" she shakes her head with a laugh.

"Why?" I sit down again.

"You're so moody. Sometimes you get me on my nerves and make me want to hit you in your stomach and sometimes you make me happy and there's no problem with talking to you and that's when you're playful of course". She says quietly afriad of my reaction.

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