Chapter 14

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I unlock my phone, it wasn't with a password but after Duke had opened it I decided to put a password.

Will: Liilll.

It's read.

I sigh and put the phone back in my pocket and two minutes later there's a sound from the phone again.

"Can you put your phone on silent mode?" Jake asks. I know he hates the messages' sound.

"Yeah, sorry" I look at him.

"You alright now?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm fine" I nod.

Will: ???

I give in and decide to answer him.

Me: What do youu wantt Duke!

Will: Heyy I'm not Duke girl


He answeres in the same second.

Me: Still, what do you want??

Will: Talk with you as usual.

Me: I'll sleep.  I lie.

Will: It's only nine buddy nooo.

Me: I can do whatever the hell I want.

Will: Are you still mad at me?

Me: *pissed off

Will: ***Are you still pissed off?

Me: Duke stop it. You're annoying me.

Will: So let's make a deal. I know you just finished your work and maybe you're tired now but try to talk as if nothing has happened and I'll try not to annoy you. Deal?

Mia: No deal. You weren't annoying me as Will.

Will: And I'm saying that I won't annoy you as Duke. But hey you told me to annoy you and because I'm a good man, I made as you told me.

I remember when he told me that there's a girl from his college is always screaming and yelling at nothing so we thought that she worths to be annoyed but the fact is that I'm this girl. But again I don't yell at nothing and he must know that he's untreatable.

Me: Because I thought she wasn't me!!

Will: So because you thought she wasn't you, you told me to annoy her and play the game. So annoying other people is okay but annoying you isn't okay?

Me: No I don't mean it like that and you know it, but you told me that she's always yelling at nothing like a crazy girl and I'm not like that.

Will: You're.   And he sends me a monkey's emoji.

I honestly laugh at the emoji but I'll ignore it right now.

Me: Noo.

I decide against sending the same emoji.

Will: You're.

He sends again the same emoji.

Me: NOO.

Me: You're untreatable and so hard to deal with so this is the least to do you dick.

I send a monkey this time.

Will: No, I'm not.

Me: You're.

Will: No.

A Stranger In My HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora