Chapter 6

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"Duke" I say and he turns around with a frown and this same girl he was with in the Literature class turns around too.

"I guess I should tell you that I'm... you don't need to wait for me after our classes because I...I won't go home afternoon" I'm really uncomfortable, I feel all the eyes on me and that makes me don't know what exactly to say.

"Who's this?" The girl and a tall guy ask at the same time.

"I'm..." I start to say but Duke cut me off.

"I don't know who's she" he shrugs and looks to me, my eyes go wide. What?

"Excuse me?" I raise my voice

"Let's go some where else" he says to his friends and start walking , they laugh and I'm left alone.

It takes all of me not to rush after him to scream and yell in his face and humiliate him as he humiliated me in front of his friends but I don't want to make a show here in my second day, I'm not that type. But we have a place which gathers the both of us at the end of the day in.

What's with him? I really can't understand what he's doing and what goes in this mind of his. Sometimes he's acting nice to me and sometimes he's so mean to me and now he's denying that he knows me! What a jerk. God it's been three days and he's driving me crazy completely insane. I won't talk with him. I mean, Why should I? I don't have time to talk with a dude who's is nothing but a jerk to me without even me doing anything bad to him.

I grab my things and head to my yoga class. The rest of the day went normally without crashing into Duke nor Char, Ian and Rusty, so I finish my classes and decide to walk two blocks and then take a taxi to my parents' and Lil's graves. I miss talking to them so much. I keep walking for a few minutes until I hear a car comes from behind me.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Duke rolls down the window while he rides his classic car slowly beside me. I look at him and give him a death glare with no answer.

"I'm talking. Don't you hear me?" He snaps and me giving him no answer again.

He rides faster then stops the car just in front of me, one feet again and my face will stick in the car glass.

"I ask you a question so you answer" he closes the door nervously.

"What are you doing? Answer for what? I'm not talking to you anymore. If you think that I'm one of those girls who are dying on you like the one who was all over you today in the class so you're wrong. Who do you think you are to deny that you know me, huh? Just to remind you, you are the one who offered a ride everyday not me. And who do you think You are to give yourself the right to insult me in front of your fucking friends and treat me that way?" I yell and he looks into my eyes

"Stop yelling, I told you I'll drive you home and we will meet out of the university and look what you did a few hours ago and now you didn't wait for me, this is your fault Mia" he raises his voice.

"My fault? Is this all your problem? That I didn't wait for you? You did what you did a few hours ago on propose Duke. I don't know why you did that but anyways Why should I wait for a cruel guy who doesn't know how to deal with anyone even his..." I cut myself before saying 'mother'

"His what?" He narrows his eyes

"His..... himself you don't even know how to deal with yourself, you have issues Duke and I don't have to speak with you, silence treatment is the best thing for both of us"

"Why did you come in front of my friends and say that you won't come with me? You shouldn't have done that. I wasn't expecting that and I never wanted this to happen. We aren't friends to come and speak with me in front of everyone"

"Yes we are not friends but you said that you will drive me with you and why can't I talk with you in front of everyone? Or should I wear very very short shorts and tight tops like the s.. like the girls who I saw you with them to talk with you? Sorry that I'm not a slut but you have no right to tell me when I should talk to you and when I shouldn't and you have no right to deny knowing me and embarrass me like that in front of everyone" I yell again.

"This is the point here, look at yourself, you're not my type and I have my popularity there. I can't talk to you in college"

I feel tears on my cheeks. Yes I begin to cry because I hate to be humiliated and now I'm humiliated from one I barely know.

"Who are you? You're nothing but a jerk, rude, cruel guy who has attitude problems" he balls his fists and hops in his car again and leaves.

What does he want from me? I didn't do anything bad nor good to him. No I did good things for him, the food, cleaning up his room and all he does is yelling and talking rudely to me even when he's nice to me that won't conceal what he always does, I see him as a jerk more than as a decent guy. I don't know how I would live with him for another three weeks and a few days. Bastard.

I keep walking for two blocks crying my eyes out from the humiliation I had until I take a taxi and approach the graves.

I sit down next to where they are buried and keep reading their names for not less than ten times.

"I missed you so much... I really want to see the three of you so bad, I miss our dinner and breakfast together, I miss your cook mum, I miss you teasing Lil and I miss my protective and funny dad. I know that you see me and know what I do but you will never feel what I felt after... after the accident and your death. I wished to die too so I'll never feel this pain anymore and be with you but I practically moved on now, although I still have my panic attacks, it's better than before" I sob

"There are so many things have happened which really broke me into pieces like my last relationship when I knew that my ex boyfriend was cheating on me, I wished the three of you to be with me but yeah Zac was here for me, whatever happens he is always here for me that's why I do whatsoever for him becasue I can't effort losing him too, he wished to be here with me but I say hi on his behalf and maybe he will come to visit so soon. Jonnah now is five years old, I know well that if you saw him Lil, you would never leave him alone, you might bite his cheeks" I laugh lightly

"Everything is okay with us and I really hope you rest in peace, yeah I forget to tell you, you will never believe it. Look now I'm living with a guy whose name is Duke, he's my partner in the apartment which I'm living in and he's really so... so hard to understand and deal with, but to be honest, he's really so fucking hot" I put my hands on my mouth as if my parents are sitting in front of me.

"Sorry, he is really so hot" I laugh with tears on my cheek.

"If you were here Lil, you would like him" I look at her name and wink.

"You too mum, you will like his appearance but you would hate him for his attitude, because you know? He's so rude, jerk and his past was terrible. Really terrible, but not worse than mine, but yeah there is part inside me is pitying him. Maybe he's a good person because sometimes he is nice, very nice and decent. I don't know" I put flowers in front of their graves and kiss their names

"I love you all so much and I really am sorry for everything I had done before. I regret all the days which I was mad at you and I regret all the fights that were between us. If I only knew that you will leave me I wouldn't have done anything would get the three of you on your nerves. I'm so sorry and I'm sorry that it took me so long to visit but from now and then I'll visit more often, I promise" I cry even more with loud sobs for more few minutes until I leave.


I brush my teeth after finishing my shower. Thanks god Duke isn't here. I search for my cell phone to call Jake, so I go to the living room and find it on the coach. I take it and call Jake to tell him that I'm fine and everything is okay. I know that he was worried about me visiting them for the first time alone but I will assure him that there is nothing he should worry about.

I hang up with him and go to the kitchen to drink water before I hear the front door.

He takes off his converse and puts his keys on the rack then comes directly to the kitchen, we say nothing and each of us is doing whatever he is doing silently until...

"Why were you in the graves today?" He asks.

I look at him in a shock. Was he following me? I don't answer and almost walk away.

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