Chapter 18

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Half an hour later, I find Duke opens the door and closes it loudly.

"Heeeyyyyy" he laughs. He's drunk.

"Hey Duke" he sits on the chair and rests his legs on the tea table.

"You ate two bowls of popcorn?" He laughs again and takes my bowl as I didn't finish it and begins to eat.

I don't like the drunk Duke and I don't want to talk with him now because what Ian told me really got me on my nerves. I mean he looks at me as he looks at the other girls. He always makes me shy to see that he can.

"No Ian was here"

"What? Who was here?" He raises his voice.

Chapter 18.

"Ian" I repeat knitting my brows.

"I heard you" he snaps.

"You asked again" I shrug

"Why did he come?"

"Because he wanted to come over. We're friends. So, why not?" I say and he hits the tea table with his hand.

"What is this Duke. Why are you acting weirdly?" I dare to ask. He's so weird and it's no big deal.

"Because why would he come here while you're all alone, huh?"

"So? He's my friend and don't forget that I live with you here all alone"

"My friend, my friend, my friend. Fuck your friend"

"I don't know what's wrong with you. When you know well how to talk to me and ready to tell me what's up with you and what's the main reason for doing all that come to me" I say and stand up.

He'll be the rude drunk Duke and I'm not ready to deal with him right now.

I go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair, then I go to my bedroom to change my clothes to sleep.

I sit on the chair in my bedroom after changing my clothes and begin to go through twitter.

I find retweets of pictures of celebrities in a party and one of them is a picture of One Direction with Simon and Duke and his band. Woww.

I know that Liam is the one who tweeted it and the caption says ' can't wait to see this band famous and in concerts all around the world'.

That's incredible! I can't help but retweet it. Although I'm on the edge to explode in his face, I'm happy for him.

And his friends. My subconscious reminds me.

I hear something crash outside.

"Shit" he says in a loud voice.

I open the door and rush to the kitchen.

"What happened?" I see him on his knees on the floor and in front of him two broken dishes.

"Damn it. You woke up. I'm sorry" he says in a raspy drunk voice.

"I didn't sleep. Your sister is sleeping in my bed. Let me do it" I sit on the floor and begin to collect all the broken glasses in the trash and him is sitting beside me just staring at me.

"I've finished" I stand up and wash my hands. "What were you doing anyway?" I ask him

"Wanted to eat" he stands in front of me.

"There are cupcakes in the fridge go wash your face and change your clothes and I'll heat them up for you" I feel like I'm his mother.

"K K mum" he smirks.

He turns around and hit his face in the fridge and of course I laugh.

"Don't laugh" I laugh harder.

I begin to laugh hestrically and he joins me.

We laugh uncontrollably and now I don't know what's the reason we laugh at.

"Stop. My stomach hurts" he claps his hands then hold his stomach and laugh louder. I begin to concentrate with the sound of his laughter. Wow. I hadn't seen him laughing like that before.

"Go go go go" I push him twords the bathroom then I begin to heat up two cupcakes in the microwave.

He eats them silently after asking me to sit with him and I do so.

"You said Stella is sleeping in your bed?"

"Yeah. Can you carry her to your room?"



"You heard me. I'm drunk. I won't be able to carry her" he smirks.

"So where am I going to sleep? It's so cold in here and there's no heater here"

"In my room"


"Yeah really" he mocks my voice as usual and I want to slap him as usual " I'll sleep on the floor"

I don't respond for a while thinking whether to sleep with him in the same room while he's drunk or not.

"Okay fine" he says then stands up taking my hand and leads me to his bedroom.

He opens his closet and grab a blanket and a pillow.

"One blanket?" I ask

"Yeah it's not that cold and there's heater. Sleep"

"Are you still drunk?"

"Don't worry I won't touch you"

I don't know these words please me or not. They please me because I feel that I'm safe now, but on the other hand it hurts I won't touch you, okay I'm not hot and curvy like his sluts but I'm not that ugly.

He turns off the lamp and I put my head on the pillow to smell his scent and cologne on the pillow and the blanket.

My mind goes to when me and Duke laugh uncontrollably and smile.

"Mia?" I open my eyes and I'm about to answer him, but I decide against it and pretend that I'm sleeping. And don't ask me why.

Two seconds later I feel someone on the bed. I want to turn around and look, but who else would it be other than Duke?

I feel his hand around my waist and his breath touches my neck. We're inches apart. So, definitely if I turn around, our faces won't pass the air.

"I know that you're asleep. I hate when you talk with Ian. Don't ever do that again" he whispers and kisses my shoulder

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