Chapter 24: Climate change

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I was no longer alone, a man filled the space of the small VIP room, his figured was recognisable and soon felt my vision return, my senses to calm and my eyes followed his movements. His silent eyes.

I waited for him to talk, to say something. But he stayed silent. Adrian was shushed, his eyes talked for him, staring at me.

I cross my arms. Is he going to speak?

The music sounding slowly for the small hidden amplifiers all around the chilling fun little room, he stood there, staring at me before I stand up, with my mean yet strict gaze.

"I'm sorry." His voice was lowered, I couldn't believe my ears, Adrian out of all people was apologising. The most stubborn known to earth man, felt sorry and confessed about it, to me.

My eyes widened in pure shock, still my attitude was cold compared to his serious one, there was a little part of me that didn't believe a word he was saying having little to none trust on him left, other part really wanted to believe those words, to forgive but not forget.

I couldn't, it is impossible, after everything.

"I don't want your stupid apology Adrian, its not going to change anything.'' I hissed in pure aggressiveness, hurt lying within my heart as my eyes didn't meet his.

I've turned my back on him, emotionally, and physically in a literal way, I was staring at the huge shelves about the large couch hanging against the wall, with my arms crossed and refusal of exchanging glances with him.

"I'm sorry." He repeats. Whispering, closer this time, closer enough so his breath to collapse on my necks bare skin and cause chills to run down my spine. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to know l didn't mean any of those stupid things I've said, I was just angry with other things and took it all out on you." He says.
"I would never want to hurt you."

He would never hurt me, he said, but how come every time he was around me this was the only thing he managed to do?

"You want my forgiveness?" I asked him as I turned to gaze over at his nice shaped pair of eyes. I could read his hesitance and I wanted to take full advantage of this full burst of truth that got the best of him.
"Then tell me what were you originally bothered with."I requested.

His look shifted, intimidation and tension flew around the atmosphere along with us. I should feel a barrier of ice separating the both of us like usually but all I could sense is a strong unread emotion. I shouldn't be affected from those eyes, but how could I not when he was giving me those eyes, letting me care more than I ought to.

"With you."He answers with a pause as another stroke of curiosity hits me. "And Charles."

"Oh, so you were jealous." I tease him, to cause an action out of him.

His face changed to something more dark, his eyes deep and mischievous stared at me like I'm a piece of meat, a prey and he was the hunter. Giving me the hint of not liking my spontaneous reply.

"No."He sounds offended, and dry.

"Yeah right." I slightly rolled my eyes, I didn't expect anything else from him..

Envy crawled onto me, rethinking the way he was all wrapped around his girlfriend that he couldn't shift his eyes into me give me a bit of attention, I didn't need it but for some reason I craved for it.

His hand wrapped around my bucket bringing me two steps back after intending to leave, he couldn't let me, he force me to stay there, this time both our eyes met.

"What do you see in Lewis that I'm not better at?" His soft voice cupped the space between us, his aggressive tone and arrogant expression which kept me silent, this was exactly what Lewis had that he didn't, he had the nerve to chase me down. He had the nerve to be a gentleman and win me over without any crazy conspiracies.

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