Chapter 25: Suffocate me

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"Good morning sunshine." Diana's confident voice sounded like knifes to my ears as I instantly refused to get up the moment I felt my eyes margining open.

The heaviness of the sunlight overpassed my closed eyelids in a painful process and I found myself completely under the warmth of my pillow.

Today, today was going to be a horrible day. A day full of errands to run and business to take care off. But it's not the work that gets me dull and tired.

This isn't just any day, it is the conference meeting arranged interview day, which I'm invited along with other drivers. Drivers such as.. Adrian.

My legs shivered as my thoughts considered his face, his smell, his touch, crashing pictures from yesterday filled me in and destroyed my will to live on this planet. I feel like dog shit right now and it's not because of the alcohol I digested last night.

The way his lips brushed onto mine, the way he kissed me and got me all riled up for him in less than seconds, I never pulled away, I couldn't shove him back and escape this I didn't want to and that is what is scaring me the most. He can't have that huge of an impact on me, he can't mock me.

The light becomes ten times worse, brining me off my thoughts once Diana opens the curtains completely and all the daylight is shoved onto my face.

I hissed under my annoyance, still I got up, giving in to her tricks with my furrowed eyebrows and sour expression aimed at her. I don't want to wake up, I don't want to go to work, I don't want to see him ever again! I feel like a fool can't Diana realise that? Can't she realise how much I hate him? How much I don't want to see him?

Perhaps retirement is a nice idea? I will never have to face him ever again, nor the humiliation and the jokes he is making for the rest of my life.

Although I'm too narcissist to do such thing. And too emotional damaged to get up from the bed.

"Come on Victoria! We have to drive Bianca to the airport and arrive in the conference interview in less than an hour! So move your lazy body rigb this instant!" She shouts exhausted patting her foot on the wooden floor of my apartment in rapid pace showing her lack of patience.

"I dont want to! I'll take this day off." I stated as I stuffed my head under my pillow, maybe I had a chance to reschedule? Or not. "And the next day, and the next." I said.

She sighs, exhausted and then the door flew open and the shuts, another disturbing annoying voice echoed inside the room after.

"She doesn't get up! Bianca help!"

I heard footsteps disclosing my bed, in less than seconds my pillow flew in the air and my head was bare.

"Victoria. You can't hide in your room forever you know. Sometime you'll have to face him." She mentions, annoyed as her hand grabs my wrists forcing me to get up.

"I won't if I retire." I informed her holding myself on the bed before being pulled away from it completely. They both sneered together with my statement.

"Oh, I get it now!" Diana sounds like she discovered Victoria's secret, with her pitch high note and irritating tone.
"You are scared of Adrian after what he did yesterday.." Says Diana with a smug portraying her lips.

"I'm not scared!" I scream in total unfairness of her assumption!
"I just don't get it." My tone calms.

Why would he ever kiss me, what sick game was he playing with me again and I had to deal with it? Simply I couldn't.

"Have you tried speaking to him?" Bianca shrugged her shoulders and Diana gave her a weirdly knowing look. She is definitely hiding something.

"No... No!" I shout in fear, the idea of ever facing him again made me frightened, frightened of what may come.

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