Chapter 1

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Just a little bit of a disclaimer: Sasuke is kind of a dick in the first half of this fic, but I promise he cleans his act up! Also, this chapter is a lot longer than the average one will be.

Thanks for reading!

It was Halloween, of all days, when Sakura Haruno first met her new neighbor.

Her boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha, had her apartment key. That usually wouldn't be a problem, but it's not every day the pair went to a party together. Sasuke attends parties regularly with Naruto and Hinata, his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend. The two men had really begun to embrace the college lifestyle in the past six months, and the Hyuuga woman often acts as their designated driver. Sakura, quite the opposite, could count the number of parties she's gone to since beginning college three years ago.

When her boyfriend invited her to join him at a costume party for the holiday, she'd been tempted to politely decline like usual. She said yes, though. There were two reasons for the change. The first was a little silly.

In March, Sakura turned twenty-one and hasn't so much as had a glass of wine with dinner since then. Getting drunk was overdue, and she could use the break from her school, work, then study routine.

The second reason was more significant. It really lit a fire under her. In all her timid glory, Hinata covertly informed the pink-haired woman that a redhead named Karin has been trying to make moves on Sasuke almost every time the trio goes to a party. For someone like Hinata to come forward, Sakura needed to take her warning seriously.

She and her boyfriend have been dating since their third year of high school, almost six years. In fact, they're serious enough that she's beginning to wonder if he's considering proposing in the next year or two.

Since the very beginning, the couple's been rocky. Both have dominant personalities, so they often butted heads and argued, but neither has even mentioned the concept of breaking up. They always kiss and make up shortly after fighting.

Currently, they're experiencing a bit of a dry spell. While Sasuke's sex drive isn't relatively as high as hers, that's not what's causing the problem. It's their busy schedules. When she's in the mood, Sasuke's either away or too tired. When he's in the mood, the same thing applies to Sakura. They're out of sync. Because of this, Sakura felt threatened by Hinata's warning.

She's still head over heels in love with her boyfriend and fears he'll grow bored of her if she doesn't do something soon. That's why she was half-drunkenly stumbling down the sidewalk toward her apartment well after midnight, mad as all get out.

Sasuke and the others forgot about her. They left the party to check out a different one. Sakura didn't find out until she received a text from the Uchiha man saying he was sorry and to feel free to join them. After sending him a lengthy text with her thoughts on the situation, she immediately left the party and began walking home.

She and Sasuke had chosen a couple's costume, him being a doctor and her a nurse. Sakura was a little annoyed that he chose it because she's literally going to school to become a doctor, but, as previously mentioned, she's eager to please him right now.

"Stupid fuckin' stockings...." she mumbled as she entered the apartment building and hit the button to call the elevator. Taking the stairs in her current condition could prove dangerous.

While she waited, her phone began ringing in her sexualized dress's pocket. Fishing it out, she clicked the green circle by Sasuke's name to accept his call, "What d'you want?" The elevator door opened with a ding, and the tipsy woman stepped inside, leaning against the wall after pushing the button to the fourth floor, the uppermost one.

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