Chapter 3

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Initially, I was going to post one chapter a week, but I changed my mind!

Twice a week!

Thanks for reading and providing feedback!

Sasuke didn't have a good reason. In fact, he didn't have a reason at all. "Sorry, I'm not coming over." That's the only thing he had to say for himself. Sakura was livid, but more than that, she was hurt. So, she stopped reaching out to him for the next week. Her goal wasn't to get his attention with the act because she genuinely didn't want to talk to him.

Days passed with Sakura experiencing her usual routine, but she was happy to run into Madara a few times in the hall. The pair could easily call themselves friends now. On Thursday night, she invited him over to hang out if he had nothing to do, and he accepted. They just watched TV and drank beer.

It was extremely casual, and Sakura found it relaxing to have him around because he had no expectations of her. She didn't have to dress up, put on makeup, or ensure her apartment was utterly spotless; he didn't care, and she knew it. Just like she doesn't care if he doesn't sugarcoat his opinions for her. In fact, the sincerity was refreshing.

They exchanged numbers, at which point Sakura realized he didn't know her name. When he finally admitted it, his face actually turned red, and she thought she'd pass out from laughing too hard. The man knew her favorite foods, pet peeves, and life goals but didn't know what to call her.

When Friday night came around, and Sakura still hadn't heard from Sasuke, she went out for dinner with a couple of girls from the medical department that shared classes with her. Feeling depressed, she had some drinks, and when it was time to leave, she was tipsy and no longer sad. No, she was angry and determined to discover her boyfriend's problem. So, she took a taxi across town to his dorm building.

Upon arriving, her irritation flared hotter because a party was in full swing amidst the three-story building. Dipping and dodging her way through crowds of gyrating and inebriated co-eds, she made her way to the second floor, the first door on the left. Her heart sank in her chest when she reached for the door handle, only to lay eyes on a sock hanging there.

'...He wouldn't.... It has to be Naruto and Hinata in there, right?'

She smiled to herself, laughing nervously as she drunkenly convinced herself Sasuke would never cheat on her. Then she turned and began searching the building for messy black hair, snagging a red solo cup of something clear and strong to sip on along the way. After searching the entire second and third floor and still not locating her boyfriend, she returned to the first.

While popping her head into one of the open rooms to check for him, she froze when she saw Naruto standing with a group of people, his arm around Hinata's shoulders. His blue eyes met hers, and he stopped talking in the middle of whatever he was saying. Just the look on his face told her she'd been betrayed by Sasuke and by him, too.

"Sakura, wait! Stop!"

Sakura ignored him as he called her name, instead hurrying upstairs so she could see the truth with her own eyes. Her vision was coated red by the time she made it to the right door, and she tore the sock off the handle and shoved it open, eyes widening in shock at what awaited her.

Sasuke was, lying on his back with some woman straddling his hips. They were both naked. When his eyes turned onto her, they widened, and he fumbled to get the redheaded woman off and find some bottoms, "Sakura, no. It's not what it looks like!"

Tears began streaming freely down her cheeks as she stepped backward, "Six years...." Sasuke pulled a pair of sweatpants on and came toward her, his hands reached out as though he meant to grab onto her arms to make sure she couldn't flee, but she smacked them away, "Six years, Sasuke! How could you?"

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