Chapter 15

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Sakura sat beside Madara opposite her parents in her family's favorite diner and held his hand supportively beneath the table. Currently, Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno were staring the pair down with wide eyes.

The booth was silent. The woman just announced that they're dating. In an attempt to facilitate things, she simply told them she dumped Sasuke for Madara. That way, they won't ask as many questions.

She didn't need to see the older Uchiha's face to understand what he wanted to say when he squeezed her hand a little firmer, 'I bet he wants to run out of here with his tail between his legs. Dad's giving him the look.'

Kizashi'd given it to Sasuke, too, on multiple occasions. It was a glare that clearly said, "You do know I own multiple guns, right?"

"I'm sorry, Pumpkin, but did I just hear you correctly? You broke up with Sasuke for this...Midoriya?" Finally, her father spoke, his tone ten times tenser than before.

'Stand your ground, Sakura! You're a daddy's girl. Make him see you're serious, and he'll back off.'

"His name's Madara, Daddy, and yes, I did. Sasuke and I mutually agreed our relationship had run its course. We plan to remain friends after things settle down a little bit." Her father's brow raised at the word "Daddy" because she only uses it when she demands things go her way, which wasn't all that often.

'Now to land the final blow!'

Sakura plastered on a pout, making her eyes large and watery, "Please give him a chance. Get to know him a little before deciding not to like him. He makes me really happy, and your approval means a lot to both of us."

Her mother, who'd been silent as a mouse the entire time, spoke before her husband could respond, "How old are you?"

'....Oh, shit.'

It was rare, but Mebuki Haruno could be even scarier than Kizashi when her "Mama Bear" instincts were present. Usually, she's a quiet and collected woman. As she sat before her daughter and her new boyfriend, though, her dark green eyes were alight with a threatening glow.

"Twenty-eight, Ma'am." Madara's voice was smooth and respectful, but Sakura could tell he was extremely uncomfortable.

"Seven years is an alarming age gap, Hon. Are you sure about this?" Kizashi hissed at his daughter, glare still on the Uchiha man. Obviously, he was insinuating that Madara might only be after her because of her young age, which would be wrong in many ways if it were the truth.

Sakura gasped, leaning forward and hissing back, glancing around to make sure none of the other patrons in the diner had heard his words, "Dad, that's rude and uncalled for!"

"How can I can entrust my baby girl to him without checking?" The pink-haired man spoke directly to Madara for the first time, "Son, are you after my daughter because of her youth and looks? Answer honestly. I'll know if you lie."

The waitress chose the perfect time to arrive with everyone's food, obviously picking up on the tense aura because she quickly excused herself the moment a chance arose.

Madara lifted his gaze from the table to meet Kizashi's firmly, "I actually hesitated to act on my feelings for your daughter because of our age difference. I know what it looks like, but I assure you, my interest in Sakura isn't primarily a result of her appearance."

Sakura's face warmed as she looked at the man in muted surprise.

"Are you saying she's not attractive? I'll-" "Of course not! She's beautiful, but I fell for your daughter's compassion and strength. Before meeting her, I'd never met someone with so much drive."

Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now