Chapter 11

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The next few days were so busy for Sakura that she barely had time to speak to anyone, much less Madara. Exams were right after the holiday break, so classes have been demanding. The holiday season is also the season for shopping, so her job was forcing more hours on her.

She didn't mind all that much because the gift she purchased for Madara was a little pricier than expected. Add that to her plan to buy a new TV, and she could use all the extra money she could get. It was a watch, the present for the Uchiha man. After spending time with him, it became clear that he didn't have one. Well, he did have one, but it was broken. She saw it on the dresser in his bedroom a while back. The face was cracked with what suspiciously looked like a bullet grazed it, but she didn't allow herself to think about that too hard lest it gives her anxiety.

By the time she'd arrive home at the end of each day, she was so tired that she'd fall asleep shortly after showering.

'Just two more days, and then it'll be Christmas, and I'll finally get to spend some time with Madara,' Sakura encouraged herself as she carried a large delivery box toward an intimidatingly large gate with security personnel manning either side of the entrance. Her plan is to hold off until after the holiday to ask him the what-are-we question.

It was December twenty-third, and she brought the freshly altered party dress to the address the customer named Danzo provided. It was the final delivery of the day, and then she could finally go home and rest.

When she approached, a security guard stepped up to stop her, his black suit and stoic expression intimidating the pink-haired woman. She shivered, primarily due to the heavily falling slow and chilling winter wind, "I'm, um.... I'm here to deliver a dress for Mr. and Mrs. Shimura."

Soft buzzing sounded behind the man, the gate opening. He glanced at the other guard, who nodded, and then she was walking through an extravagantly decorated garden. White lights and silver bows lined a massive fountain and the many small Christmas trees.

A warm feeling fluttered in her chest. 'It looks like something out of a holiday movie. It's so beautiful!'

The large door at the top of the wide staircase opened as she struggled to balance the box to knock. Danzo smiled calmly as he stood to the side and gestured for her to enter, "It's lovely to see you again, Sakura. Please come in from the snow and warm up."

"Oh, thank you for the offer, but I'm just here to drop off your wife's dress," the pink-haired woman offered in a friendly tone, stepping inside anyway because the man seemed adamant.

The gentleman gestured behind him, turning to look at a pretty blue-haired woman with bright orange eyes, "Angel, be a dear and take this package upstairs," he grinned at Sakura again once the box was out of her arms, "Do you need to return to work? I'd love to sit and have a cup of tea if you're available. It's no problem."

Sakura glanced around nervously, taking in the extravagant marble floors and expensive paintings lining the foyer's walls and feeling like a country bumpkin compared to such class, "I-I don't know. I wouldn't want to burden you...."

"Really, it's no bother at all! In truth, I have a daughter around your age that won't be coming home for the holiday. I suppose this is me attempting to comfort myself."

Then the woman felt too guilty to say no, so she hesitantly allowed an orange-haired butler to take her purse, coat, scarf, hat, and gloves before following Danzo through the massive mansion, "Thank you, then. You're very kind."

'This is a little awkward. Where is his wife? I'd feel more comfortable with another person around.'

Once they arrived in an office with a small table near the wall, the pair sat down and waited for someone to bring tea. While they did, Sakura anxiously wrung her wrists in her lap, glancing between the table and the gentleman across from her a few times, "So, um, I bet you're excited about the Christmas party, huh?"

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