Chapter 26

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"Absolutely not," Madara hissed, offering a rare expression of unfiltered ire.

Sakura lowered her uncomfortable gaze to the ground but kept her lips sealed.

Pein had summoned them to his office and announced she was to become Madara's partner. That meant she'd do his assignments alongside him. It meant she'd be going outside. The fact that it was to do terrible things made her want to cringe.

The Uchiha man was understandably upset. Since they began working to repay their debt to The Akatsuki, he's made it clear she was to remain out of danger's path. At first, Pein heeded the request, but he'd apparently changed his mind.

'It's probably because he saw me beat up that shooter yesterday,' she thought.

"This isn't a debate. You'll both do as I say or face the consequences," the ginger man spoke firmly. He paused before adding, "Ultimately, it's your decision."

"I said no-" "I'll do it," Sakura cut Madara off. She sensed him look at her in disbelief but ignored it and lifted her gaze to Pein's, "I'll do it, but you're going to double our earnings for each job, and you're not going to try anything underhanded to make us stay after paying off our debt."

The Akatsuki leader smirked, shaking his head amusedly, "I see working here hasn't dulled your spirit," he tilted his head as though curious, looking over the pair, "I agree to your terms. Leave for your first assignment immediately."

Madara accepted a file containing their orders, and the pair left the office. Sakura didn't need him to say anything to understand how angry he was, and he knew that, so he remained silent. Not a word was spoken as they parted ways to pack a bag each, nor when they met at the door to the inconspicuous house.

Upon climbing into the large black truck he uses for missions, Sakura was handed the mission file.

She glanced at the quiet Uchiha man, swallowing anxiously when he kept his glare on the road, 'I can't worry about him being angry right now because we need to focus on the assignment.'

It was no secret Madara was doing the worst jobs to make money more quickly. The medical student heard Zetsu talking about it with Sasori a few times. Opening the file, Sakura covered her mouth with one hand and closed it again. It took everything in her not to throw up or blurt out a question of if this was some sort of sick joke.

There, in her hands, was a photo of Pein's brother's corpse, plus his wife, Konan. The mission is to retrieve their bodies and drop them off at a safe point at the docks on the outskirts of the city.

'Why would he risk sending us to Konoha? My hair's pink again.'

Time had passed since the manhunt for the woman began, but, at least to her knowledge, it hadn't been called off. She wasn't sure, though, because the disposable phone they'd set up as a method of contact with Sasuke was confiscated by Pein. He didn't want them to feed information to someone with it. He also wasn't sure if they had any other allies that might come to their rescue.

"Do you still have the ring?" The Uchiha man suddenly asked, tone professional and emotionless.

Sakura looked down at her left hand resting in her lap, where the fake wedding band he'd given her the day they boarded the plane to Otogakure to help make their story of being a married couple more believable rested. For some reason, it felt taboo to remove it. She wore it at all times, even when showering and sleeping.

"Yes, but will it still work? My hair...." The fake ID and passport he'd expertly crafted both said she was blonde.

"In the file."

Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now