Chapter 12

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After her failed escape attempt, Sakura was kept separate from the other girls. In fact, Danzo had her handcuffed to the heavy desk in his office, so he could personally ensure she didn't cause trouble.

The woman's muscles were sore from the electricity that'd flown threw them hours ago. She also received a few cuts and bruises when they were in the process of bringing her up here, and she fought tooth and nail to get free. They ended up injecting her with a sedative. Her lip was busted, but the worst injuries were the cuts on her wrists from the cuffs. The criminal old man was nice enough to put a bandage around the one currently cuffed again to prevent it from digging deeper into her skin.

It was dark outside now, and Sakura watched with half-lidded eyes from where she lay in a heap on the floor as Danzo sent away the last of his employees, shutting the office door behind them before facing her with a sickly smile. Though her body desperately needed rest, she wouldn't allow herself to fall asleep because she wasn't sure if he'd try anything.

"Ah, finally, a moment of peace." She could only watch as he came to stand before her, just far enough away that she couldn't reach, "Tell me, dear, was it you who patched Madara up after he'd been shot? An employee of mine says you're studying to become a doctor. I could use someone like you."

"Go fuck yourself," the girl weakly rasped out, not having the energy to put more bite behind her words.

"Are you sure? If you accept, you'll no longer be on the auction lineup." Sakura glared at him but didn't say anything else.

He seemed to understand she wasn't interested because his grin tugged wider, "I suppose I'll win either way. The party is technically hosted by a local charity, meaning I can bid on items, too." That had the woman's eyes widening. "As you can imagine, I've never come across a woman quite like you, Sakura. I'll have you one way or another, whether it's by contract or ownership."

The man brushed some hair out of her face with his cane.

She smacked it away with her free hand, hissing angrily, "You won't lay a finger on me, or I'll castrate you, Creep."

A cry of pain left her lips when the man swung the cane down like a mallet, and it smacked against the left side of her back and waist. She curled in on herself and cried, trying to breathe through the white-hot burn dusting her nerves. "Defiance won't be tolerated. The sooner you learn that, the less I'll have to damage the merchandise."

'He might've broken ribs....'

Not long after, Danzo left the office, turning the lights off and locking the door from the outside before leaving Sakura alone. She considered herself a little lucky that he hadn't attempted to force himself on her yet.

At some point in the night, she lost the battle with her exhaustion and fell asleep. She was woken next by someone nudging her bruised side with their foot. She yelped, the touch sending a wave of stinging pain through her body. When she looked up, the blue-haired woman glared at her. It was daylight, but Sakura had no idea what time it was. Though she expected the female guard to retaliate for what she'd done. Instead, she uncuffed her from the desk and guided her down the hallway and into a different room.

The moment the door closed behind them, Sakura turned and hit the woman as hard as she could. A snarl or growl left the bluenette's mouth, and she straightened her spine, blood running down her cheek from the cuff, leaving a slice just under her right eye.

Apparently, that was the last straw because she slapped Sakura as hard as possible, taking her to the ground and straddling her hips to land another hit on the same side of her face. The metallic taste of blood met her tongue, but she didn't cry. No, she held the woman's glare, speaking disgustedly, "Your boss is gonna be pissed you bruised my face. Control yourself."

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