Chapter 10

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Morning came, and Sakura woke up with a slight headache but otherwise felt comfortable. A groan passed her lips when she tried to open her eyes, and the light made her head throb, so she reclosed them. That's when last night's events returned to her memory because a firm, warm body was against her back, and an arm was wrapped around her. Her knees were bent up toward her stomach, and Madara's hand rested between her thighs, fingers twitching slightly in response to her groan.

The woman's first response was to feel giddy and a little embarrassed that the man had seen and touched parts of her only one other person had in her life, but in the next moment, she panicked.

'Oh, God, we were both so drunk. What if he didn't mean all those things he said last night? What if he wants to pretend none of it happened? Can I really do that?'

They'd gone at it until they were too exhausted to continue, and Madara had said such sweet, passionate things to her. He told her he's liked her since the day he told her about his issue with one-night stands, and she comforted him rather than judged. He said she's the only woman he's ever wanted to wake up and find still in his bed. Then, the Uchiha man showered her with compliments about her body, her voice, her everything.

'No one's ever talked to me like that. It made me feel...appreciated. I really hope he meant it all and wasn't just letting the alcohol talk.'

Sakura would be heartbroken if he got her hopes up like that, only to demolish them with a "just kidding" the morning after. Realistically, she couldn't see Madara doing that kind of thing, but she also never imagined they'd actually sleep together instead of her just fantasizing about it like usual.

The hand between her thighs disappeared and gently ran up the bare skin of her hip, waist, and shoulder to smooth her hair away from her face. Lips pressed against her back, and the arm came around her middle again, pressing flat against her stomach to pull her more closely against his front.

Praying she wouldn't regret it, the woman lifted a hand to place it atop his, sighing softly when he let out a happy little hum. His voice was low and raspy when he spoke, his lips tickling her as they moved against her skin, "Sakura...."

Her eyes peeked open, this time managing to stay that way as they adjusted to the lighting, "Hm?"

"I'm sorry."

Her heart felt like it was breaking in her chest. Slowly, she sat up, turning as her hair fell over her shoulders and down her back to look at the Uchiha man with tears in her eyes. He was gorgeous, even after a night of drinking and fucking. Long black hair was wild and messy on the pillow, and his dark eyes were sleepy in a charming way. He frowned when she turned away from him, wiping at her tears as they fell.

'He even told me he doesn't sleep with people he wants to keep around. Why would I be an exception?'

"...You regret it, don't you?"

Sakura sniffled, grabbing a pillow to hold against her front and hide her chest as she turned to shake her head at him, admitting pathetically, "No, I don't, but you do, right?"

Madara sat up, the blanket falling on his hips where he would be visible if it went any lower, "No, why would you think that?"

Sakura's spine straightened, and she frowned at him, sniffling as she offered a confused look, "Then why'd you apologize? I thought...."

The Uchiha man's mouth opened slightly before he chuckled, placing his hand over his eyes before running it through his messy hair, "I was apologizing for this." He tugged the pillow away from her and pointed at her midsection.

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