Chapter 17

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For the remainder of the day, Madara caught himself staring guiltily at Sakura, only to avert his gaze in hopes she didn't notice. It was almost certain that she did, though. None of the terrible things he'd done in his lifetime made him hate himself more than this.

The man was stuck between regretting allowing the pink-haired woman to talk him into staying, feeling guilty that he ever got involved with her, and cursing himself for immediately refusing to imagine it. Even now, after all his character growth, Madara Uchiha was primarily a selfish man.

'Her future is ruined, and it's all my fault. I should've immediately disappeared after what happened on Christmas Eve,' he internally chastised himself as he worked on creating fake ID documents for the poor woman.

Sakura was trying with all her might not to show how upset she was, but he knew her well enough by now to see right through the facade. There was no hiding the way her fingers trembled or how her gorgeous green eyes struggled to focus on anything for an extended period of time without glazing over.

Not only was she a wanted woman, but they'd even have to leave Konoha within the next twenty-four hours because her family and friends knew her address.

While continuing to work, Madara attempted to devise several action plans. It was too late to go back and change things, so the only option was to deal with the situation head-on.

Plan A was the course of action they were currently following: to board a plane with false identities to Otogakure, where the Uchiha man had a trusted ally waiting to receive them at a safe house. They'd hide out for as long as needed for things to calm down with the police. All the while, Sakura will try to get information from Sasuke about why her identity was known.

The rest depended on what the younger Uchiha had to say.

Plan B wasn't complete yet, but so far consisted of finding some way to infiltrate the police force in Konoha. The ally he had in Otogakure may be able to help with that, but since it was substantially riskier, Madara would rather try sticking to Plan A.

Plan C was the last resort, ultimately to make it so Sakura Haruno no longer existed, at least on paper. The pink-haired woman would permanently change her identity. It was extreme, so it would only be used if no other choices existed.

Hopefully, the police didn't have much and only suspected she had information about the murders.

Maybe one or more of Danzo's outside allies was aware of who she was that wasn't at the mansion that night, and they were trying to smoke her out by setting officers on her trail. Madara's teeth gritted, his brow furrowing stressfully. If that was the case, he'd ensure they suffered thoroughly before he allowed their death. If they'd only messed with him, he'd make it quick, but they put their sights on the one person they shouldn't have.

Inwardly, the highly trained and experienced assassin was tempted to dawn a bittersweet grin. Madara Uchiha, the ghost of Danzo and murderer of dozens, was a glorified bodyguard for a cute little woman with pink hair.

'And I'm perfectly happy with that,' he mused, glancing at the girl in question, which ever so slightly softened his tension.

Sakura was speaking with Ino on a disposable phone that Madara had picked up, explaining the situation so the blonde woman would know to keep Sai out of public view, just in case. Though she whispered so softly that the man couldn't quite understand what she said, the unsteady waver in her voice was impossible to miss.

Madara hadn't verbally apologized because the moment he tried, the pinkette cut him off with a firm glare, a silent threat not to dare take the blame for their current situation.

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