Chapter 16

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That night, Madara lay awake with a very naked and very asleep Sakura resting against his chest. Just like the forecast said, it'd begun snowing shortly after the couple returned from the grocery store and hadn't slowed by the time they retired to the bedroom for the night. His thumb brushed softly against the woman's bare hip, not taking for granted the luxury of finally being able to touch her all he wanted.

Things have been even better than he imagined.

An understanding and comfortable aura dominated the pair when together. Madara thought Sakura was an empathetic and rational person soon after meeting her, but those characteristics were much more robust than expected. Not once has she judged his past mistakes. The woman had also obviously picked up on the fact that he was a fan of physical affection and tried to cater to the trait.

Madara looked down to see long strands of pink hair rolling down her back and over his arm, a smile tugging at his lips, 'If the rest of my life is even a fraction as amazing as the last forty-eight has been, I'll die happy.'

The Uchiha man was still almost wholly against her decision to remain at his side, given the fact that there may still be criminals loyal to Danzo out there. If, somehow, they become aware of the circumstances of the man's death, both he and the Haruno woman would be in grave danger once again.

He knew it.

She knew it.

Both kept their mouths shut and pretended the fact didn't exist, at least until they completely recovered from their injuries.

Until it's unavoidable, they'll act like just another couple, excited to spend time together, stuck inside during the terrible winter weather. It was a concept Madara was unfamiliar with, the spending of quality time with a loved one. Already, it was extremely noticeable how inexperienced he was with being in a relationship, but she was being patient, as usual.

Even now, the man couldn't believe Sakura was there in his arms, in his bed. All those days of longing to get to know her better and get closer despite knowing it'd never happen seemed like a faraway memory now. The little glances he'd steel at her profile when she was focused on a task, simply in awe and yearning to tell her all the out-of-character and corny things that come to mind in her presence.

It's adorable, the bashful blush the woman gets when he flirts with her out of nowhere. The man tries to surprise her often, just so that he can see it. She was still a little shy around him at times, and he wondered if the charming trait would ever go away. He had a feeling it wouldn't, not entirely.

'There's one thing I didn't expect,' Madara thought, suddenly hyper-aware of the warmth between Sakura's legs. He could feel it because one of her knees was hooked around his hips.

When the pink-haired woman was sick with a fever and confessed that her ex-boyfriend accused her of being frigid in bed, the Uchiha man didn't believe it for a second. That said, he never imagined she'd be this good.

Though she was riddled with unnecessary insecurity, Sakura was riveting from start to finish. No matter what position they were in or the mood was like, Madara was captivated by her facial expressions, the sound of her voice, and the incredible way it felt to be with her, both mentally and physically.

It was like she was wise beyond her years. Young people often hesitate to say something if they aren't comfortable or need something specific to feel good, but that's not the case with her. She's eager to show both him and herself satisfaction.

The communication was sexy, a definite turn-on for Madara.

A soft groan interrupted the man's thoughts, and he unbent his arm when the woman of his affections rolled over and stumbled out of bed toward the door, likely to use the restroom or get a glass of water.

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