Decisions & Defeats

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A/N: A combination of the rest of "A Shock to the System" and all of "Escape from Isla Nublar"

Scar and Cole sat in the grass for a few more minutes, Ben didn't come back as he had said he would, that didn't bother Scar the least. Scar was more bothered about the Scorpius and the state of Cole, Cole wasn't hurt but his head might've been overflowing with thoughts about Dr. Wu and the lab.
Cole sucked up his feelings though, "What's the plan?" He asked, his question shocking Scar.

"Scorpius." Scar replied, "I'll go find the Scorpius."

Scar had to figure out which way the creature was going, was it going to Ben and Darius or would it go to Brooklynn, Sammy, Yasmina and Kenji? Scar didn't know and she couldn't be in two places at once, "I can help." Cole said, "Why? You no like them." Scar replied with a questionable look. "But, you like them, Scar." Cole replied, "I see that look in your eye, that same look when you talk about..."



"Look, all I'm trying to say is that.."

"You care about them Scar, and if you do, I do too."

"So, what's the plan?" Cole asked again.

Now Scar had to decide who to send to who, Cole was the issue, only Ben, Yasmina and Kenji knew about Cole and Scar bet they wished that they didn't. Everyone knew Scar, so that wouldn't be an issue. Scar decided to go after Brooklynn, Yasmina, Kenji and Sammy, and Cole would just go after Darius and Ben, but Scar strictly ordered for Cole not to interfere unless there was the Scorpius around. It was extremely important for Ben and Darius to talk. Scar still had a hard time sniffing around for the four campers, she couldn't even sniff out the Scorpius.

Scar saw something that just might lead her to the campers, the Parasaurolophus' from the cave were running towards something, Scar didn't think they were going somewhere, they were just running because something definitely scared them off, she could hear the same faint raspy roar of the Scorpius. Scar jumped from tree to tree, following after the glowing dinosaurs, "Do your job and get us outta here, dingus!" Scar could hear Yasmina say, she must've been close to them, or maybe her hearing was just getting worse. And sure enough, it was the campers, only the four of them, but still, the campers.

The Parasaurolophus' ran through the jungle and the campers ran with them, Kenji leading the way, unfortunately, one by one, the Scorpius had attack the Parasaurolophus', Scar couldn't stop this, she couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she couldn't do anything, except she could attack the Scorpius and risk her life, that sounded like a good plan for her. The Scorpius had spotted the campers and it was more interested in them then the dinosaurs, Scar jumped on the back of the Scorpius, she was surprised that she managed to land in a way she did.

The campers didn't notice Scar, all the Scorpius did was make them run faster, and all the Scorpius wanted to do was drag on the Parasaurolophus' into the jungle, but before it could do that, it had to get Scar off of its back. The Scorpius stood up on its back legs, in a rather fast way, and Scar went flying into a tree, her back smacking against the bark, Scar quietly groaned out in pain as she slowly slid down the tree, the Scorpius dragged the Parasaurolophus away and left Scar alone.

'So much for that', Scar thought to herself. Since the four campers had mostly likely made it to the boat, Scar decided to head towards Cole, Ben and Darius, hoping that they had better luck then she did. Back with Cole, he followed after Ben and Darius, Cole managed to find them faster then Scar had found Kenji and Brooklynn, Cole senses weren't as messed up as Scar's, although he was having some issues, for instance, the trees, he wasn't a good climber and Cole was a tad bit too tall to fit under the branches.

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