Comparison For The Future

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It wasn't long until Wu threw Scar and Cole back into the arena, Scar was in there more than Cole, Scar had a better mental and physical capacity, she could withstand more pressure, damage, impact, etc. But, Cole had the better looks, his muscles were sculpted better, being buffer, larger, stronger, etc. Cole looked more intimidating with his Toro horns and the venom that dripped from his teeth, he'd be more appealing to look at once the investors arrived.

Wu was never one to compare his experiments, but now it was something he had to do, considering who he'd be displaying them to in the near future. To Wu, all that matter was the stats of his creations, but in the business world looks were very important, one of the reasons why he put the Scorpius into cryogenic containment was because of how the dinosaur happened to look, it would be unappealing to the park quests if the Scorpius wasn't a psychopath.

The warehouse was quieter than ever, with the construction put to a stop and no new experiments being driven down, it was silent, no beeping, no clanging, nothing, just the occasional noise of a monstrous creation. Scar groaned in agony as she shifted in her cage, her hands were bandaged, and she had stitches down her stomach, which was also bandaged, there was no chance of escaping and no chance of getting any pain meds.

Scar didn't really need medication to ease her discomfort, it might help but she had to tough it out like she had done all along on Nublar. Scar's fight happened to be with her roommate to her left, Prickle, she got into a fight with them, it wasn't by choice but it wasn't hard to pull off, in theory, Scar wasn't all that close to them anyways, not in the way she was attached to Cole or Pebbles even.

But, Prickle packed a punch, one of their spikes pierced through Scar's stomach and every time she swatted at Prickle's arms or legs her hands got scuffed up and the more they scuffed, the more her hands bled and got ripped to shreds. It makes you wonder, why didn't Wu put Cole in more often? Cole didn't feel pain and he could definitely fight to the end, Cole could poison his victims, ram his Toro horns into his opponent, crush or snap bones.

Scar could only bite, scratch, knock out, and Scar was less intimidating, so she should've been more appropriate to show the investors. Wu's way of thinking was all fucked up, who knows what the hell was going on up in his deranged mind, Wu just needed to focus on his creations and the fights they provided, Wu needed to ensure that all of them were the best fighters that he had. Wu even made Pebbles and Fear fight, and when Pebbles refused....Well...

Wu ran a pen along the bars of Cole's cage, followed by Scar's and stopping at Prickle's, his actions disrupted them all, "Good morning." Wu greeted, "It's good for me, not so much for you, but I hope you all are as excited as I am." Wu added, it was quiet, nobody was amused, nobody wanted his torturous ways of meeting and greeting, "Ah, listen to that." Wu closed his eyes. "Silence, at last." Wu smiled, "I thought you guys would appreciate it."

Wu paced back and forth in front of the three cages, "Now, I don't want you to be upset." Wu denied, shaking his head, "This is what I made you for!" Wu stopped pacing and turned to the three cages, he was unsettlingly enthusiastic about all of this, "After years, I did it." Wu appeared to brush off his shoulders. "Prickle, my first ever Present Era x Prehistoric Era experiment." Wu walked up to Prickle's cage, "A precious time in history." Wu put his hands together.

"Scar, my first success." Wu wandered over to Scar's cage, "You're my favorite." Wu whispered, putting his hands on the bars in front of her cage, Scar snapped her jaws at him in the best way she possibly could, "Even at your weakest moment, you still fight." Wu admired her performance, "I know you're mad at me, Scar, but it isn't my fault." Wu backed away from her cage with a hand against his chest.

"If things had worked out with Claws, perhaps things would be different...." Wu glanced over to Cole's cage. "Very different." Wu looked back to Scar's cage. "Perhaps, you'd be in a lab coat, I as your mentor." Wu began to explain, "As you got older, you'd follow in my footsteps," Wu put his hands behind his back, "taking on my work." Wu added.

"We'd discover new things together." Wu smiled, "And in the end, people would call you 'Doctor Dimitri' or 'Dr. Dim' for short, can you imagine it?" Wu finished his thoughts on what Scarlett's future could've been if things happened to work in Wu's favor. "If I could split you into two, Scar, I would."

"You'd make an excellent doctor, but you make an even better experiment." Wu said and walked away. Scar could unfortunately imagined the future that Wu described, Doctor Dimitri's hair would be in a bun to optimize her professional appearance, her personality would be exactly like Wu's, not a centimeter off from it, both Dim and Wu would've worked on Claws to improve his abilities, and would continue forward with all the other experiments Wu had lined up in the future, this Scarlett would never have gotten to meet the campers, or if she did, Scarlett might've been the one experimenting on them.

She would have experienced Isla Nublar from a scientific standpoint rather than a experimental standpoint. In Wu's vision, Scarlett would never have bonded with Owen, perhaps Grady would hate her as much as he hated Wu, either way, if Wu had made his vision come true with Scarlett and not had turned her into Scar, they would be an unstoppable duo, untouchable team, and they could've worked as long as they had liked with no consequences.

Dim would provide the brains, Wu would provide the ideas, both would cover their tracks in impeccable ways, and most of all, maybe Wu would've bonded with her, and Scarlett would be proud to call him 'Dad'. But, we can't compare the future to our present, now, can you? You could, however, compare two experiments and Wu was happier than ever to do that.

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