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Get Used To This.

Every day of the week is the same for me, except the weekends. I get up, feed Roscoe, and get ready to work. I currently work at Subway.

When I got there, Jake, the manager, was already mad at me for being 5 minutes late.

"Where were you?" He said with hsi arms crossed as I came through the door.

"I'm sorry. Traffic."

"Mhm... Find a better excuse next time, Jackson..."

"Sorry! Okay?" I said starting to get annoyed. He smacked his lips and went back to the storage room.

I served many clients before I had my lunch break. I was about to make me a sub for me, until the door bell rang, signifying someone walked in. I looked up and surprise surprise it's Mr. Fetty Wap himself.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Well hello to you, too, Buddy," He said acting offended.

"Haha. Hi Willie. Now, what are you doing here? How do you know I work here?"

"I didn't... I was just... Drivin' and decided to come here..." He smiled shyly.

I smirked and crossed my arms, "Now tell me the real reason how you found me."

"It's not important, Buddy. Anyway, I'm takin' you out for lunch," He smiled.

"Thanks Willie, but you don't have to. I mean I can make my own sub here."

"No Dana, I'm takin' you out. Okay?"

I groaned playfully, "Okay okay."

I checked out of Subway to go out for lunch, until Jake's dumbass stopped me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going with this guy? Hm?" He said crossing his arms.

"I'm going out for lunch, okay!?"

"Well, I'll take money off your paycheck."

"So other employess can go out for lunch and I can't?"


"Aye man!" Willie busted in the conversation, "Don't get me and my girl fucked up! You betta' not remove no money off her paycheck!"

"That's how I roll, sorry."

This dude is really trying to pop a nerve, I could tell Willie was getting mad, too.

He put an arm around me and walked me out, "I'll make up for the mising money on your paycheck."

"It's fine, but thank you," I smiled looking up at him. Right now, he had a really annoyed look on his face, "You don't have to waste your money on me."

"It's not wasting. I'm trying to help you. That motha'fucka' ain't fair! He needa stop 'fore I fuck him up! Dumbass."

"Calm down, okay?" I said massaging his back, "No need to stress over bullshit."

"You right," He nodded.

We arrived to his car and he opened the passanger door for me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem."

He ran to the driver's side and got in. As soon as he put his key in the ignition button to turn the car on, loud music started blasting from the speakers, making me jump. He quickly turned it down, though.

"I'm sorry," He chuckled.

"Oh, it's fine, it's fine."

"So where do you wanna go?"

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