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Don't Let Jordan Drink.

I swear these rappers think they can have people just standing around waiting for them. Even though I haven't seen Willie only for a short time, I still miss him. Whenever I'm not with him I feel like he's in danger or something. I have to take care of him.

Like what happened with Jordan.

When will you realize he's dead because of you? Because he's not! Keep telling yourself that, as long as I'm around, I'll always remind you of your bad choices in life, one of those not taking good care of Jordan. You knew he was younger than you. You knew he was in a gang. You could've guided him in the right path. But all you cared about was your own happiness. Okay, you might've forgot, but I was there with him the whole time after he was shot. It don't matter! It was too late to take care of him. Just shut up. You fucked it all up!

"Dana! Dana! Dana!"

Arguing with my self-conscience made me not realize Willie had arrived. It also made me not realize I was standing in a trance.

"W- Willie," I said trying to get my voice to sound louder.

He gave me a concerned look, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Y- Yeah," I manged to say.

He eyed me then wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed in his arms and wrapped mine around his torso, then let my head rest on his chest.

Don't think Willie is gonna fix everything.

Willie started stroking my hair, which sent chills down my body. Then he cupped my face in his hands and looked straight into my eyes, "It's gonna be aight. I'ma be there for you. Always," He said before placing a kiss on my lips.


Willie met Manuel when we arrived at the beach house. The two of them did ended up getting along. All they talked about was how hard they were gonna fuck the girl they have their eyes on.

We decided it would be fun to have a cook out. Manuel, Willie, and Jordan went to buy food we could grill along with some beer, and I think Willie had some connect around and was able to get weed. I usually don't drink, but I did have a couple of beers. And don't even get me started on Jordan.

Right now it was almost midnight and we were sitting on the porch, which had a nice view of the beach. There were two couches and a small table where our food was at. Willie and I were cuddled up on one of the couches, and Manuel and Alicia were on the other couch. Jordan was way too drunk and was just telling random stories that did not make sense at all, but we still listened.

"Damn, I want more food," I said standing up from the couch.

"Mmm I'll help ya', babayyy..." Jordan slurred as he waddled towards me. It was easy to get away from him since he was too drunk to walk. I stood in front of the grill and grabbed some food to put on my plate. Suddenly I felt something heavy push down on me. It was Jordan who was trying to hug me. I put my plate down and turned around to look at him. I pushed him off of me, but he was still trying to hug me.

"C'mon, Dana," He slurred, "Let's go to sleep."

"C'mon stop trippin'," Manuel called out.

"You're the one who needs to go to sleep, Jordan."

"Mmmm-no. C'mon baby c'mon lemme feel ya'," He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I tried undoing his arms from around me, but although he was drunk, he was still stronger than me.

"Jordan, stop," Willie called out.

"Why don't you love me!?" Jordan screamed, squeezing me into him tighter.

"Jordan, please," I begged, trying to push him away. He kept tripping into me, making it harder to get him off of me.

"I be doing shit fo' ya' and I get no love from you!?" He yelled, "C'mon give me kiss," He said trying to get close to my face. I kept pushing his face off of my view, but he kept making kissy noises at me. Then his hands started running down my body. Okay, I had enough!

"Jordan!" I screamed.

Suddenly, he was grabbed from his shoulders and thrown to the floor... All this by Willie! Willie picked him up and started challenging him to fight, Jordan drunkenly accepted. Willie had no mercy on him and started to punch the living shit outta Jordan.

By now, Manuel, Alicia, and I were trying to separate the fight. Which took us almost forever, since Willie had so much anger in him. Once we finally separated them, Jordan sat passed out on the couch. Willie went inside holding his lip.

"We'll handle Jordan," Alicia said, "You go calm Willie."

When I went inside, I saw Willie sitting on the living room couch. He was hunched over, covering up his face. I walked up to him and took his hands off his face. With my index finger, I lift up his face by the chin to get him to face up at me. He was sweating and had a busted eyebrow. I kissed his lips and we were about to get it on, until I broke the kiss.

I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bathroom. Then I sat on the sink and he stood in between my legs. I slipped off his shirt, (because why not), then grabbed a stowel to clean the sweat and blood off of his face. The whole time he looked directly in my face, panting.

Once I was done, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder, "Thanks for defending me. I could've handled that on my own, you don't have to get hurt for me."

"I had to," His voice sounded deeper than normal, and a bit raspier, "he was gonna hurt you. I don't want you getting hurt."

We looked at each other before we finally ended up kissing. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he rested his hands on my hips as he deepened the kiss. My arms which were around his waist, traveled to his chest, and lastly up to his neck.

"Jordan's concious now and-" As soon as Alicia had busted through the bathroom door with that sentence, Willie and I instantly stopped, but she got a glance of what was happening, "And- and I'll be outside."

When she left, Willie and I looked at each other.

"Maybe we should go..." I said.

"Y- Yeah," He said as he scratched his neck.

I hopped off the sink and we walked out hand in hand. Okay, we're actually holding hands, we almost fucked, wouldn't that make us official?

"Aight, we holding hands and we almost fucked. Ain't we official by now?" He said as if he could read my mind.

I smiled, "Do you wanna be official?"

He smiled and stopped in front of me, then he grabbed both of my hands, "Would you be my girl, Dana?"

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