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Bitch Ass Jake.

The next day after the infamous Drunk Jordan event, it seemed as if we had suddenly distanced ourselves. While we were still at the beach house, our conversations were made up of "Hey" "What's up?" "Nothing" "Cool" and then we would part our separate ways.

The only positive thing about the situation was that Willie finally asked me to be his girlfriend, which I reluctantly accepted.

Now I was back in Los Angeles, Jordan and Alicia dropped me off in my apartment complex earlier today. And what happened to me wasn't something I was waiting for it to happen.

Drea was sitting in front of my apartment door, with tears on her face. So as soon as I saw her, I ran up to her and kneeled down.

"D- D- Dana," She choked out in tears.

"What's wrong?"

"I- I- I'm s-s-sorry! I d- didn't take good c- care of R- Roscoe!"

My heart literally dropped to my stomach.

I gulped, "What do you mean?"

"I- I- took R- Roscoe to p- play o- outside and and and a c- car was going t- too fast and then I- I ran b- but Roscoe d- didn't."

The pain in my stomach increased as I heard every word she spat out. When she was finished, I wasn't able to speak.

"It's fine," I managed to say. She stood up and gave me a hug. I felt her cry on my shoulder, I would've done the same, but I'm not the type to cry in front of people. When she left, I went inside and decided to take a shower before I head to work. As soon as I stepped inside the bathtub, I broke down in tears.

"Why!?" I screamed, "Why!? Why!? Why!? Oh my God!"


I was a mess when I arrived to work. Before I got out of the car, I wiped more of the tears I cried inside. When I walked inside, Alicia and Jordan were sitting quietly at a table.


"Sit down," Alicia whispered. I walked to the table and sat next to Alicia. They both had disapointed looks on ther faces.

"HAS SHE ARRIVED YET!?" I heard someone yell. Jake busted from the storage room and looked at us, "Oh look, she was late. Again! But it doesn't matter."


"Nope... I mean you're fired anyway."

"Wait what!?" I yelled. I stood up and faced his short ass, "Fired!? That isn't fair!"

"Oh it is."

"But why just me!? I swear you just want to make my life a living hell!"

"You know what?" Jordan yelled, " I agree, this ain't fair. We all missed work days. If you fire her, you're gonna have to fire me!"

"And me!" Alicia yelled standing up.

Jake eyed all three of us, "I can't fire y'all just yet..." He looked at Alicia and suddenly smashed his lips into her. Alicia tried pulling away, but he held her tighter for a couple more seconds. Once he was done, he smirked, "Now you're fired... All of you."

Jordan looked at me, then I looked at Alicia, then Alicia looked at Jordan. Alicia grabbed her soda off the table and threw it at Jake. Then I quickly went to grab the bottle of mayo and squirted it into Jake's face.

"Now we run," I said. All three of us sped off out of Subway.


"I called the big boss and he said Jake isn't pressing charges against us," Jordan explained as he got closer to Alicia and I's table. We were at In n Out at the moment.

"Good," I sighed, "I'm sorry I got you guys fired."

"It's fine, Dana," Alicia said, patting my back.

"Yeah, don't even trip," Jordan shrugged.

"Thanks guys," I said smiling, but then I got my worried look on my face, "I just won't be able to pay this month's rent... I need to find a job quick."

"Why don't you stay at your parent's house?" Jordan suggested.

"They moved out to Atlanta. I was planning on visiting them anyway, but I just can't afford it no more... I literally only have $200 left. My rent is $550."

"You can always stay with me and my mom," Alicia said.

"Thanks, but I'll be able to think of something. I got two weeks until my rent is due. I just need to find a job fast."

"Or you can tell Willie," Jordan said.

"Yeah!" Alicia exclaimed, "He a rapper, he got a lotta money, he will let you borrow some."

"Ugh I don't wanna get his money. And I'm not even gonna tell him about me loosing my job. I don't want him to worry."

"Dana, he's your boyfriend, he has to know," Jordan said.

"I can't let him know, though... He's already got pressure on him because he's a celebrity."

"Just tell him, promise you will."

"I'll try."


Me: hey willie i gotta tell u something can u come over?

Willie: are you okay? Whats wrong?

Willie: ill be there shortly

I waited about 20 minutes before I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, Willie was pacing hard.

"I came as fast as I could."

I smiled at him and let him inside the apartment. We sat together on the couch.

"So what happened?"

I took a deep breathe, "I- I lost my j- j- I lost Roscoe. H- He died."

"Your dog?" He exclaimed.

I broke down in tears not only because I was torn between if I should tell him about me loosing my job or not, but because remembering my dead dog was still a sensitive topic.

"Aw Dana," He sighed. He put one hand on my back, then the other one under my knees to hold me bridal style. I snuggled in the crook of his neck, sobbing. His hand, which was originally under my knees, moved up to my waist, "It's gon' be okay, Dana."

I nodded, trying to calm myself down, but it didn't work.

He lifted up my face by holding my chin with his thumb and index finger. I was embarrassed he was looking at me crying. He leaned in and kissed me.

When he pulled away, our foreheads were slightly touching.

"I'll never let go of your heart," He whispered.

Wowww, he has your heart and all you do is keep things from him. Way to go, bitch.

I ignored my conscience and continued sobbing in Willie's arms. I need to tell him the truth.

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