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(Ed's POV)

I woke up the next morning with a smile plastered on my face despite the fact that like yesterday I had awoken in the middle of the street with nothing but my backpack which contained clothes, my toothpaste and toothbrush, my cup, an extra pair of shoes and a sandwich I had bought yesterday after work and my guitar bag which contained my guitar. Getting up from my slumber I wrapped my quilt up into a bun and slipped it into my backpack.

I changed into my clothes quickly and looked at my watch which I always carried with me (present from my late Grandma) which really helped me come prepared every day to work and for the other gigs I attend now and then (they didn't pay me to play though). It was barely 6:30, sighing I sat down to the floor and unwrappes the sandwich which was made how I liked it, with beef, cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, and pickles and of course ketchup, because you're not better than ketchup, ketchup is better than you.

I laughed as I thought about that one phrase I had just invented and practically wolfed down the sandwich which did almost nothing to make me full.

I walked around the park near the block where I used to live and bumped into someone after my 5th time walking around there lost in thought.

"Sorry," I mutter as I look down and notice who it is

"It's okay," Nina says smirking "I was actually looking for you."

"Why?" I ask gruffly as I circle around her and try my hardest not to look at her, but she looks enthralling as usual.

"I miss you." she says simply as she shrugs and rotates her body towards me

"Were you stalking me?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Um," Nina says smirking "Maybe."

"You were," I say disgusted "Why the fuck were you fucking stalking me?"

"I feel bad for you Ed," Nina said evading my question altogether "You live in the dumps with the homeless people, that's sad, ya know?"

"For at least I don't have sex with my boss to get myself a nice place to live, food and clothes. I have pride in myself."

"I swear Ed," Nina said laughing "You have pride in yourself, what a laugh! Ed Sheeran is proud of being a homeless nobody."

"I'm not a nobody, I'm a singer-songwriter." I said happily

"A singer-songwriter that NOBODY knows about."

"Nobody knows you either." I fire back as I squint my eyes as I stare at her

"So? For at least I got money, people who want to listen to me, a boyfriend who I use, friends, food, wifi, clothes, a house for myself and a life." she said ticking all the things she had that I didn't with her hands "YOU DON'T!"

"For at least I still have the dignity to walk across the streets without following other people for money, I have the wits to work whatever and as much hours as they give me to be able to survive and pull all of this off."

"Ha!" Nina said pointing at my face "You smell like shit, look like shit, you talk like shit and you don't know shit, you ain't even got somebody to listen to you or be friends with."

"That Nina is something you got wrong," I say smiling as I remember Eva and Taylor "I DO have friends and they are spectacular and don't want me to make my life miserable like somebody here."

"Who ever told you that?" Nina asks scoffing

"You did, Nina you STALKED me here and said you "missed me" when it was OBVIOUS you didn't and just wanted to talk shit to me just like you're doing right now."

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