¤Chap 12¤

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☆Chapter unedited, will be edited soon☆

(Taylor's POV)

Today was a new day, a day in which Ed would finally explain to me all his story of what he had been exclaiming and waving around to me, that is after he had seen the dress.

I legit have no clue what the dress has to do with his story, I'm quite preplexed about that part, but let's just put that aside right now and wait for the liar to descend the stairs so carefully sculpted with a rug spiraling all the way down.

Watching him walk down with an bashed and somehow ashamed expression, I couldn't help but frown, especially when I saw he had been crying.

"Ed?" I whispered to him "What's wrong?"

"Everything's wrong, I've put you in danger, I have nothing to say for myself and who knows who might be listening to our conversation now!" Ed said once he reached me, placing his arm around my arm

I stiffened at his words, as I heard someone walking behind both of us.

"It's just me guys," Donna said smiling at us as she saw out frightened expressions and postures

"Don't you do that again Donna!" Ed said sternly

I was about to snap at him, but I stopped myself. I couldn't just scold him every time he told Donna to stop doing things that at the end of the day also irked me.

"Where were you guys yesterday?" she asked us, smiling at us with a shaky expression

"We were here all day." I said as I cocked my head to the side and glanced at her hands that were shaking behind her back "Where were you?"

"I was shopping." she said shrugging as if though it wasn't important, and wouldn't have been, if she hadn't lied and she hadn't left her room vacated yesterday

"Liar." I said as I saw her calm facade slowly wither away with the way I spoke to her

"You weren't here all day and you suppose saying 'I went shopping' is going to cut it." I said narrowing my eyes and stepping away from Ed's embrace "For all I know you were probably spying on us, and you left to tell your mafia boss or some shit like that about the fact that you found out-"

"Shut it." Donna said frowning now and glaring at Ed with a 'this is all your fault' glare "I went out and I didn't go shopping. Fine, you got me there, but what you don't know is that I killed all the men that were outside of this apartment yesterday."

"I-" I said at loss for words and the fact that she just shut me up

Ed stepped up closer to Donna, and motioned for us to follow him towards the kitchen. We did end up following him, after a few questions and thoughts which we spoke out loud to Ed but weren't answered or erased to us by him.

Once we were sitting down in a huddle next to each other, Ed started talking to us about who the mafia men were, and that we didn't have to fear neither them,  nor their bosses, we had to fear the gangsters.

"You must be kiddin' me right now," Donna told Ed kicking him with her black leather boots "We're going to be scared of a bunch of High School kiddies instead of the bitches of bitches. Bury yourself now Ed, what you just said is beyond stupid!"

"You don't know Darko!" Ed spoke quickly yelling at us as if we were little kids told to hide correctly in 'hide n seek'

"But Ed," I said pointing at him with my finger and proceding to put it directed at his chest "You said the mafia leaders treated you bad. I mean, all the shit you talked about them doesn't shine bright lights at them Ed. Unless, you haven't told us something here, I won't change my mind, therefore I'm on Donna's side."

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