¤Chap 15¤

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☆Chapter unedited, will be edited soon☆

(Ed's POV)

I wanted to have her lips against mine. That's all I ever want right now ever since that time when my lips were practically close to her red matte colored ones.

When she looked at me with such emotion and a thickness of want, all I wanted to do was grab her and kiss her senselessly. If she couldn't tell with the way I was acting in front of her, I don't know what will make her realize that.

I may or may not worry about what I want, but I often find myself doubting and struggling to believe that I'll be in tour with her for so long. I just can't believe it, it seems like a fairytale, if you start to believe in it, all it's flaws appear to you slowly and soon you stop believing in it.

I didn't want it to be a fairytale. But with all the mixed signals I was giving her, I fear the fairytale idea might become more true than ever before when the theory first popped in my head.

Today was another day, and this time I was alone with Taylor. Today would be the day when we start packing to leave once Audene gives us the signal; which hopefully will be a quick one, because of not the guys will notice what is going on, and we'll all and up dying if that happens.

My eyes wandered around the room and landed to one person whose radiant aura always drew me towards her, Taylor. The girl my brain had no rest from for she was my night, morning and dawn. She had found a way to get in me, the girl whom I had randomly found in a train station crying about her stupid loser of a boyfriend.

I mean what kind of guy dumps such a beauty? Especially one as amazing and delightful as Taylor!

When I approached her, I was met with an icy and respectful manner. The icyness didn't bother me as much as the respectful manner, because she talked to me as if though she was my boss and I another insignificant worker.

"How are you Taylor?" I asked as I grabbed her hand quickly and pressed each of her fingertips against my chest

"Cut it out!" Taylor exclaimed as she snatched her fingers away from my chest and my grasp


"Quite amazing, isn't this encounter?" A familiar voice sounded behind me and Taylor

I spun quickly around, my heel made a clanging noise as it stopped in defeat once I saw who the voice belonged to. A person who's voice I believed it was,but denied it and it ended up being him. Darko.

"I come in peace with you and this lovely young lady." Darko said with enfesis on "lady" , his lips flirting up into a despicable smile when he saw Taylor in great relish and detail as rushed as he could

"What do you want?" I growled

"I want the money Ed." Darko spoke back "You know that's what I want. Don't make me kill the young lady to get the money out of you."

Taylor's eyes looked at me in a worrisome way and I looked back at her with a 'calm down I got it all controlled' look. She rolled her eyes at me and then looked at Darko as quickly as she looked at me.

"Well?" Darko said in a dark manner "Go get the money."

I was about to grab Taylor's arm when Darko stopped me in the blink of an eye, his nails grazing my skin. I looked back at him in an unamused manner as her held Taylor's other arm and my arm with both of his hands.

"You go. She stays."

I knew why he wanted Taylor to stay, so I briskly made my way to my suitcase, and took out the money he wanted.

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