¤Chap 5¤

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(Ed's POV)

The next weeks to come were full of happiness for me and more requests to play onstage. More than the café had ever received before and I had ever received either.

By the time the Brit Awards had passed during February I had to call Taylor to see how things were going on with her, I was worried, I hadn't seen her in the Awards and people had gossiped about her not going.

"Hello?" her voice answered

"Hey." I said as I looked up at the ceiling of the café

"What do you want Ed?" she asked me as I heard a shuffle of papers

" I - Are you busy?"

"No." Taylor says quickly as I hear her walking

"Taylor." I say sighing

"I'm being honest Ed!"

"Where were you?"

"What are you talking about Ed?"

"Where were you?" I ask again ignoring her questions

"I've been in my apartment." Taylor says slowly "Why?"

"Just asking.?"

"Are you sure?" Taylor asks as she coughs softly and surely away from the line

"Are you sick?"

"Nah, just a little cough for today is all."

"You're still here in England.. right?"

"Yes, why?"

I exhale softly and look at kids playing near the café and shrieking. I smile as I see them wave and make me heart signs. Ah - children. Someday I hope to have some of my own.

"Ed?" Taylor asks me making me come back to Earth

"Oh, it's just that I thought you have left to get away from the drama here." I say carefully knowing she could get angry no matter what

"Drama-?" she chuckles as she catches on to what I'm talking about "What drama?"

"The Brit Awards -"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE BRIT AWARDS!" she shrieks "It's March already, it's been a while since that has happened, no need to remind me"

" I'm sorry." I stutter "I should get going."

"Ugh, well I'll be leaving tomorrow Ed-"

"You are?" I ask softly

"Yes, to go to finish my album, which I'm not bragging or anything will be the best ever."

"Oh you don't brag Miss Swift." I say giggling "You envision."

"That's right Mr -"

"Sheeran." I say cringing as I imagine her hearing my weird last name for the first time in her life.

Right when I'm about to hear Taylor's reply the phone dies and I'm left there mouth open trying to imagine what she said. I shut my eyes forcefully as I imagine Taylor's sadness or anger at the disconnected line, it wasn't my fault though.

I sigh and turn around and walk feeling extremely bad now, everything had been going alright today, why did this have to happen?
As I walk I notice someone was most definitely waiting for me, and so I glance up at the person to try to say something to that person when I see who it is.
"Nina." I say choking up as I see she has the telephone cord in her hands

Everything Will Change |Taylor Swift|Where stories live. Discover now