¤Chap 16¤

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Chapter unedited will be edited soon☆

(Taylor's POV)

My hands were shaking as I walked out of my apartment. I was shaking, whether it was visibly or not, I myself could definitley feel me shaking so hard I felt I didn't and couldn't go meet up with Taylor, but I needed someone to talk to.

Someone who liked coffee as much as I do. Someone who laughed at the same obnoxious jokes as I do. 

Someone who cried with me one time ago. Someone I broke.

The December face. The guy whom I was reminded of every Christmas. He was the Prince and I the fake Princess, and even if that love story would always end up like that, Taylor and I were still friends. And it was for the best.

My windblown hair scared him, I know it did because he jumped back the minute he saw me, bumping really close to his Toyota. After a few seconds he looked back at me and shyly reached out to grab my arm.

It wasn't until he wiped the tears crawling down from under my eyes that I noticed I was crying. He looked at me with such compassion and sensitivity that my heart squelched inside my cold and bothered chest. It hurt, the way he looked and how he looked at me, but if I was to try to ask for advice, I needed to forget the past.

God knows he did.

We went in his car to our destination, a coffee shop away from the city city, I drank my coffee slowly once I had it in my grasp, my eyes lingering towards Taylor whom was drinking his coffee with great relish.

"So," he cleared his throat "Talk."

I swallowed, my feelings suddenly harder to control with the way he had just talked to me.

"What's the matter?" Taylor asked me as he threw his hands up "Didn't you want to talk? Isn't that why we're here?!"

"Yes!" I exclaimed in a very upset manner "But you shouldn't have to treat me as you are doing?"

"How am I treating you?" He scoffed at me as he eyes me with pain in his eyes

"Like that!" I yelled, my voice drawing me some attention from other customers inside the store, and as they whispered about me I continued talking "You talk to me as if though I'm your worst enemy and I've come to tell you I'm sorry. What have I done this time to cause you to react such a way?!"

He flinched as I yelled even louder this time, my arms flailing and then landing in the wooden table which separated us, making a loud thump noise. His frown turned into a sympathetic smile and I started crying as I noticed it. This isn't about him and I, can't he see that? 

I got up from my seat and exited the shop, not caring about the lady screaming to me about the coffee cup I threw before I left. Let Taylor fix that.

I was curled up near his blue car when he approached me with a hurt expression, only this time the hurt was for how I looked. Or so I thought before he spoke.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you earlier Taylor." he says with sincerity lacing his tone "It still hurts, you know?"

"I know." I said my lips quivering with the hurt he was exposing in front of me "That's why I wrote the song I did. I wish I could go back Taylor-"

"It's too late for that, we both know it Taylor." Taylor responded with grieve

I shook my head, "I'm sorry this has to go the way it did. I'll just go home now."

I got up from my place in the rough green grass and I started walking away from him when I heard him tell me to stop. Tell me to turn around and face him as if though it was that easy, so I didn't turn around.

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