i. the return

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  IN THE MIDST OF A WINTER'S EMBRACE, SNOWFLAKES DANCED through the air and into her hair as it was spotted with icy whiteness

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IN THE MIDST OF A WINTER'S EMBRACE, SNOWFLAKES DANCED through the air and into her hair as it was spotted with icy whiteness. Her solitary trudged through the wintry landscape that was roaring with wind - determined to seek the warmth that awaited her ahead.

  The snow crunched beneath her worn boots that were bound to disintegrate - imperfections embroidered the pair with tears and cracks that faded in the moonlight as each step left behind a faint imprint on the white canvas. As she marched uphill with the scent of cinnamon filling her nose from the coat that clutched her tight, her heart raced a thousand miles that she has traveled. Soft fabric from the scarf encircled her neck as it gently draped over her shoulders, casing her neck.

She approached the familiar fenced community with the upgraded gate that opened the path inside after battling her way through the sturdy trees that surrounded the settlement, protecting its presence from outsiders who were always deemed a threat. She stilled in her steps and took a deep breath in, puffing her cheeks when she exhaled. The dorsal side of her hand wiped a fallen snowflake on her forehead as she twisted her head toward the path she came from. Her colored eyes shifted back and forth with her breath escaping through her nostrils, each one being a testament to the chilly weather.

After fighting what seemed like a hard battle with herself, she carried herself on whilst muttering a 'What the fuck am I doing?' as if she was talking to anyone around her. The dimly lit town came closer with each step as she staggered to the ten-meter length from the gate, the mountains surrounding her illuminated the atmosphere.

A shot blasted through the air, reverberating at an unmistakable intensity as it pursued the ground in front of her feet, merely missing.

"Stop right there!"

She complied, raising her hands high as she surrendered to the man pointing a piece at her from above.

"Do you have any weapons?" the man asked, which made her lightly scoff. She wanted to bite back— but it wasn't the time for witty behavior when she was in need.

"Only for protection," her voice was the opposite of smooth from not having a sip of water for days at hand.

He looked at his partner for a brief second, mumbling something to ensure which appropriate call to make. After a choice was mumbled back to him, he tightened the grip on his hunting rifle. "I need you to take ten steps backward and don't turn around until then. Make any funny movements and I swear I'll-"

"Malik, cool it."

A voice peaked from behind him, applying a hand on his shoulder to make him draw back. He idly held his rifle, slightly nodding at the woman.

"Yes ma'am," his voice that was once brimming with confidence wavered as it softened.

"Who are you? How did you find this place?" She asked sternly and curiously, not giving the younger woman a chance to answer her first question. The older woman whose hair was once blonde fully turned into a beautiful silver as she squinted her eyes at the person, making crow's feet appear on her eyelines.

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