No. 3

668 22 32

"Where have you been all day mister" His mother says while in the middle of making dinner. "Oh uhm..learning and later went to Hyunjins" His mother tilts her head and laughs.

"You, learning, god must've finally done me some justice" Minho gasps. "Wha- huh, no I'm smart. I-I learn" His mother laughs even harder.

"Who has been feeding you these lies"


"Of course it was your father, two idiots in one room"

"No no, mother I know your intelligent and I got that from you, I'm not like father. Father...he has an extra chromosome"



Minho's father comes downstairs due to all the ruckus. "What's with all the screaming" His father yawns and rubs his eyes.

"Nothing honey, now go back to sleep" His father nods his head and walks back upstairs as he is still not wide awake and wants to be back on his bed snuggled up with the blanket.

"This conversation is over" His mother clears her throat and walks back to the kitchen. Minho rolls his eyes and was about to go help his mom with the food until he received a ding from his phone.

Funsized teacher:
Tmrw at 9:00 am we have a change of plans

"IN THE MORNING?!" His mother runs over to him. "Why are you screaming, what happened" Minho looks up and sighs. "Nothing, tomorrow imma leave early"

"Aww but why" His mother frowns. "I have plans. I didn't know either till now" His mother frowns even more. "But I wanna hang out with you.."

Minho sighs again. "Once I'm done with my plans, we'll get to go shopping and do whatever you want" His mother does a little cheer and hugs him.

"Im so excited but imma go back to cooking" Minho smiles and his mother goes back to the kitchen. Minho looks back at his phone and rolls his eyes.

Why the change of plans?

Funsized teacher:
Smth came up sorry

It's okay but this time
I'm actually gonna learn

Funsized teacher:
Oh thank god

I barely was that bad 😒

Funsized teacher:
Now he told you that lie

Stfu anyways gtg byeee

Funsized teacher:

"Dinner is ready" His mother yelled from the kitchen and Minho puts his phone away and heads to the kitchen to take out his own food.


"So when you need to park the car, make sure you push the lever down and keep it right here. Remember that, note it down now"

Minho quickly takes out his notebook and starts writing. "Ok and when you put the lever back up that means you are going to start driving. Note it down"

Minho groans and starts writing again. "My hand is tired" Minho twists his hand. "Doesn't sound like a me problem" Minho rolls his eyes at him.

"Why are you so mean"


"Like your actions towards me is so mean" Minho sniffles and rubs his nonexistent tears. "I barely do anything mean" Minho looks at him with a sad face.

"Do you not realize how your hurting me" Jisung looked around and scratched his neck. "Are you actually serious.." Minho shakes his head.

"No" Jisung lets out a deep breath. "You actually scared me man" Minho laughs at him. "Sorry" Jisung puts his hand over his heart and feels it beating quick.

"Bro you actually scared me"

"I'm sorry but you care for me"

"Of course not"

"Then why were you scared"


"Because what"

"Shut up and you said you were actually gonna learn so let's learn more"

Jisung looks away from Minho and checks what else to learn as the basics. "Do you wanna drive" Minho widens his eyes and quickly shakes his head.

"Why not" Minho looks away from and turns red. "Cause I'm scared.." Minho mutters is softly so Jisung couldn't really hear him.

"What did you say" Minho rolls his eyes. "It's cause I'm scared" Jisung smirks and chuckles a bit. "Aw cute" Minho looks over at him and punches him on the shoulder.

"Don't say that I have a boyfriend" Jisung shakes his head. "I'm not flirting with you and I would never, so get that clear" Minho snickers at him.

"You know you would. I'm pretty" Jisung laughs as if it was the most funniest thing he ever heard.

"Keep playing, bro you look like a freaking blobfish but just uglier"

"Excuse me? You look like you be digging up your ass just to find shit and then lick your fingers up as if it was the most delicious thing ever"

"Don't confuse me with you. I know for a fact you be licking peoples feet and make sure to rub those feet all over your face"

"I bet you watch porn and jerk off watching lesbian sex"

"I DO NOT!! I bet you pull out your teeth and keep it in a safe and create a cult about it because you have a fetish over teeth"

"I think this is getting a bit out of hand" Minho says and Jisung nods his. "Digging up your ass thing was a bit disgusting" Minho laughs.

"I'm sorry, I just said the first thing that popped up inside my head" Jisung was about to speak until he received a notification from his phone.

He checked what it was and sighed. "Let's call it a day, I gotta go" Minho nods his head and they get out of the car.

"Uh tomorrow I can't come since imma hang with my mom" Jisung nods his head and says he's gonna look through his calendar.

"How about Sunday, three more days from now" Minho nods his head. "Alright bye, see you Sunday" Minho waves goodbye. "Bye"

Jisung looks back at his phone and frowns. "I'm coming home Hyeongjun"


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