No. 15

448 17 34

Few days have passed and it was the day of the funeral. Not many people came, it was only her children, Minho and his family and close friends of hers, which was only 2 people.

Jisung and his brother rode with Minho's family since they didn't want him alone. "You ready" Minho told him from the side. "Not really" Jisung fixed his hair and clothes a bit.

Minho squeezed his thighs for reassurance and Jisung smiled at him. "Thanks for coming" Jisung held hands with Minho as he felt it as some comfort. "I would've came either way, I love your mom"

Minho giggled as Jisung played his hair with his other hand. But then reality hit Jisung. Why is Minho okay with Jisung doing physical touch with him as he just got rejected by him.

Jisung cleared his throat and slowly slipped his hand away from Minho. He thought Minho wouldn't notice but he was very wrong once Minho brought his hand back to his.

"Why did you let go" Jisung looked down at his lap while glancing at their hands. "Just confused" Minho furrowed his eyebrows and squeezed his hand tighter. "About what"

"You said you didn't like me back but your so comfortable with me doing this" Minho chuckled and shushed Jisung to be a little more quiet. "I never said I didn't like you back, I only said I'm not ready"

Jisung started turning red and scratched the back of his neck. "I like you as well dummy I'm just not ready" Jisung chuckled and played with his hair out of nervousness. "So..wanna take things slow" Minho nodded his head and made Jisung face him.

"I would like that"

"Dawg shut up with y'all's nasty ass flirts" Jun said from the side and Jisung flipped him off right after.


"With the loving memory of Han Ari..."

Jisung slowly started spacing out once they kept talking about his mother. It was so hard for him to believe that he lost both his parents. How was he gonna take care of his little brother.

Jisung is broke and won't even make enough money to pay rent. "Fuck" Jisung rubbed his temples as he started feeling stressed. "You alright" Jisung shook his head.

"Wanna leave for a sec" Jisung nodded his head and Minho grabbed his hand and walked away. Jisung kept his head down the while entire time and sat down in a spot where no one was at.

"Wanna talk about it"

"Minho...I don't have any money so how am I supposed to take care of Jun. We're gonna be homeless the next time you see us"

Minho frowned and moved closer to him. "Well you could always live with me" Jisung sighed and denied the offer. "I'd be a bother" Minho chuckled and held Jisung's hand.

"If anything, my mom would love this idea" Jisung silently laughed and played with Minho's hands. "You really wanna do that" Minho nodded his head. "You sure"

"Yess" Jisung giggled and looked at him. "I'll live by myself for a while and if it isn't working out I'll call you"

"Sounds like a good idea" Jisung looked back over at the funeral and stood up. "We should go back" Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and started walking back to the funeral.

"How about you live with me right away. Then I could see you everyday" Jisung chuckled and shook his head. "I wanna live by myself for a while"

"Alright then..."

They sat back down on their seats and waited till the funeral ended. Jisung had to give his speech, he made it short but he conveyed all his feelings in it.

Jisung was on the verge of crying but he held them in. He's hoping his mother is doing fine in heaven...or hell. Who knows.


Has anyone experienced their first kiss?? I haven't sadly :(

Have a great day everyone!! love you all <33

𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 - 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now