No. 13

472 17 34

"Jisung you seem a bit distracted" Jisung looked at Minho and nervously laughed. "W-what, nooo" Jisung scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.

"You sure, you seem a bit awkward and weird. Something happened?"


"Wow I'm totally buying it with that stuttering"

Jisung rolled his eyes and looked away from him. He wants to tell him but then he doesn't want to at the same time.

Just imagine your own friend saying, 'so I had a almost wet dream of you and I may be developing feelings for you.' Jisung twisted his hair around his fingers and glanced over at Minho.

Minho kept clicking his pen since it was the only thing that would help him with the awkwardness. Minho looked over at Jisung and bit his lip.

"Why won't you tell me"

"Tell you what"

"Why are you so awkward with me all of a sudden, did I do something wrong"

"No you didn't do anything wrong I just can't tell you"

"Why? I won't judge you"

"Yes you will"

"Then tell me"

"No it's embarrassing"

"Is it about me"

Jisung became silent and scratched his hands. "So it is about me" Minho put his head down and grabbed all his stuff. "I'll be going now, sorry if I did anything wrong"

Minho got out of his car and Jisung quickly ran out to him. "Minho, I'm sorry" Minho sighed and lowered his hand as he was about to call his mother.

"It's okay Jisung. Talk to me when your ready" Minho smiled and was about to dial his mother until Jisung kissed him.

Minho pulled out of the kiss and back away from him. "J-jisung" Jisung tried his best to hold his tears and took deep breaths.

"Minho I like you"

Jisung closed his eyes while saying that. Minho up at him as he was incredibly shocked. "You-you like me" Jisung nodded his head and wouldn't dare to look at Minho.


Minho lifted up his hand and dialed his mom. "Can you pick me up, it's urgent" Minho hanged up and walked away from Jisung. He stopped walking and looked back at Jisung.

"It's so sudden for me...I just broke up with Hyunjin and I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship right now"

Minho sighed and walked away from Jisung.

Jisung kept his head down for a good 3 minutes and walked back to his car slowly. He went inside and kept his head down. "FUCK"

Jisung cried and cried and cried. He made a dumb mistake and wished he could go back in time and change the whole situation.

Jisung called his brother and waited till he answered.

"I'll be coming home late"


"Im not crying and tell mom about this too"


"Thanks bye bro"


Jisung hanged up and wiped his tears away. He started driving and zoomed his way out of the empty parking lot.

He kept driving recklessly until he arrived to the bar. Jisung grip on the wheel kept getting tighter as his knuckles started turning white. "Fuck fuck fuck"

Jisung arrived and quickly got out of the car. He walked inside and sat down. "Chan get me a drink" Chan furrowed his eyebrows but did what he asked him to.

"You good bro"

Jisung drinked it all in one go and asked for more. And that's what happened for the entire time at the bar. He would drink his sadness away and rant to Chan.

"I'm so dumb" Jisung cried and banged his head on the desk. "Why would I think that was such a good idea" Jisung groaned and pulled out his hair.

"Do you want me to call Felix" Jisung nodded his head and Chan dialed Felix's number. He hanged up in a few minutes and smiled.

"He's coming soon. So don't rant to me anymore" Jisung laughed and his eyes started getting drippy. "Thanks Chan" Jisung giggled and Chan rolled his eyes.

He heard the door ring and saw Felix. "Felix finally" Chan sighed and Felix smiled to him. "Hi Chan, hi jisung!" Jisung looked behind him and smiled.

"Fel-Felix, is that you" Jisung slapped his face and Felix nodded his head. "That's me" Jisung giggled and clapped his hands. "Time to rant to my best friend"

Jisung dragged Felix to a seat and he started ranting about Minho. He sometimes cried, joked around about it or got angry. He was in a lot of emotions.

In 1 hour, he passed out on Felix's lap. "Finally, the ranting stopped" Felix laid his head down and sighed. "He was to much for me to handle" Chan chuckled and brought him a water.

"What do you think about his problems" Felix took a sip from his water and looked at him. "I think he has a chance with him" Chan widened his eyes and chuckled.

"How so"

"Because he didn't say he didn't like him back"


Alr i got another question for y'all, in a relationship, what's the biggest age gap you'll accept. Mines would be 1-3 years apart. I don't want them to be the same age as me.

Also I was gonna ghost y'all for like 4 days but I guys bored and changed my mind :)

𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 - 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now