No. 11

494 17 23

"Hey mom" Jisung put his car keys on the table and saw his mom looking stressed out. "Everything alright mom" Jisung sat down next to her. "We need to pay the bills but we don't have the money for it"

His mother rubbed her temples and pushed back her hair. "Mom I try to help" His mother looked over at him and smiled. "I appreciate it but i can do this by myself"

"No mom, this is a lot of money we have to pay and it won't magically appear in one week so I'll help you"

Jisung smiled at her and his mom hugged him. "You are so sweet" His mom cupped his cheeks and looked at him so adoringly. "How did I get so lucky"

Jisung chuckled and got up. "Because you yourself are also sweet" His mother smiled even more and Jisung started walking upstairs. "Imma head to sleep, goodnight mom"

"Goodnight son"

Jisung walked to his room and flopped face flat on the bed. "Minhoooo" Jisung pulled his hair out of frustration and sighed. "Me and him are just friends and no, I am not in denial"

Ever since Jisung left Minho's house, he's been thinking about his feelings towards Minho. When they made that eye contact he felt butterflies all over his stomach.

Jisung shut his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep but it was hard when he kept thinking about Minho.

All his mind kept saying was, 'MINHO MINHO MINHO' as if there was a whole cult inside his brain. His mind was sacrificing Minho.

"Bro get out of my mind before I jerk off about you" Jisung stayed silent for a bit to process what he just told himself and later laughed silently.

"I gotta shut up"

Jisung turned around so he could face the ceiling and decided to sing to himself so he could possibly sleep. "Go to sleep~ go to sleep~" He continued singing and it surprisingly worked and fell asleep in just a couple of minutes.


"And thats it for todays lesson" Jisung sighed and Minho put his notebook inside his bag. "Thanks so much Jisung" Jisung hummed. He played with his fingers and looked over at Minho.

"Uh can I ask you something Minho" Minho looked over at him. "Yes sure" Jisung cleared his throat while continuing to play with his fingers.

"Can you perhaps pay me whenever I teach you"

"Of course I can"

"You aren't bothered by it or anything"

"Nope and if anything I'm grateful for this"

"Really? Why"

"This is my way of repaying you"

Jisung chuckled and started the car. "Wanna crash to my place" Minho nodded his head and Jisung started driving them to his house. He arrived in a couple of minutes and they both got out of the car.

Jisung unlocked the door to his house and opened the door. He arrived with glass scattered on the floor and his little brother putting on bandages.

"Jun...what happened"

"Mom happened"

Jun winced in pain while putting the bandage and Jisung put his hand down. He looked at the cuts and bruises on his hand and dragged him to the bathroom.

"Let me clean them up first" He grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned up all the cuts. He bandaged the bruises and the cut on his cheek. "You okay" Minho asked Jun. "Yea"

"Why didn't you call me when mom did this"

"It's not like it's the first time this happened. Also you were busy"

Minho widened his eyes as he realized it wasn't the first time this happened. "This happened multiple times" Jisung looked at Minho and played with his hair.


Minho frowned upon hearing this. They all heard Jisung's mother calling out Jun's name and walked out of the bathroom.

"Mom, why did you do this to Jun" Jisung anger was very noticeable while his mother looked down as if she knew was she did was wrong.


"Mom an apology won't fucking work for this"

"I'm sorry, my anger and stress got the best of me and I took it out on Jun. I'm sorry I really didn't mean to"

His mother cried and Jisung sighed. He walked over to her and hugged her. "Just don't do it again, please" He took out his pinkie so she could promise it.

She connected her pinkie with him and smiled. "I'll try" She looked over at Minho and smiled. "I'm so sorry you had to see this Minho" Minho smiled and shook his head.

"It's alright"

Jisung's mom walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Want me to cook y'all something" The siblings shouted 'yes' and the three boys sat down.

"Ok" His mother started cooking up something and forgot about the whole situation that just happened. Well, not fully but at least it wasn't being talked about anymore.


lee-always_knows date me!! 👹👺👹

𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 - 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora